Top Ideas

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    Set Wallpaper functionality request to Fit to Screen

    Duffin X. Caprous · 0 · Posted

    I'd like to have the option to just have the image fit to the screen. Right now the only options are to crop the image and scale which doesn't function the way I'd like.

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    UI: Wrap Task Names

    J.Carver · 0 · Posted

    If your task has a name. It will only display it on one single line. Even though it's the only task triggered by the profile. 

    This request is to add a functionality that checks if it is the only task being triggered, and allows the Task Name to display properly. 

    Ideally it would allow the task name to have as much space to display as the triggers have.

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    invert selection

    netbird · 0 · Posted

    While choosing several actions within a task, I'd love to see the ability to invert the selection so all other actions are now chosen. It can be very useful when you wish to temporarily shut off all other actions and rerun only a few, or for moving many actions to another task but not all.

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    Rename a task from within

    petrus · 0 · Posted

    I was wondering if we could edit the task name from within the task, by tapping on the up horizontal bar where it says "Task Edit" and <task name>? That way you wouldn't have to long tap to edit, and you could also do it from the Profile tabs, don't need to go to the Tasks tab.

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    get Time from NTP Server

    Skyhigh24 · 0 · Posted

    Add an Option to get the Time from a User-Definable NTP Server.  Could be a nice Feature for automating work of Server Admins. (small buissness) Example: 1. get time from Web-NTP like,  store in Variable

    2. get time from Local Servers,  store in Variable

    3. calculate difference of Variables

    4. if difference is to high, resync/restart local server i could use such feature since this is a very repetetive part of my work and id love to do it automated with my phone. Found no other way to do that

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    Add "Split Array" action

    Konstantin Lisnyak · 0 · Posted
    It would be very useful to have a "Split Array" action in addition to the existing "Join Arrays" action. This would greatly simplify the handling of arrays with multiple data fields, For example, if the user needs to sort by a field or remove duplicates.
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    Black screen on lock device

    Lilly t · 0 · Posted

    On new android version long press volume button doesn't work with screen off. I think it could be bypassed by black screen after device locked like always on display function. Could you think about this function. Long press volume button is very useful function as for me. 

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    Lock action fullscreen should be overlay + blocking hiding notification bar and buttons

    salas · 1 · Last reply by Nick Betcher

    The lock action is a pretty useful feature for "locking" your phone while still allowing unattended remote access when needed, since bypass the real lockscreen is a lot harder.

    The problem is that the lock action still shows the notification bar ( allowing people to read notifications ) and the buttons.

    It would be nice if the lock action ( when full screen is selected ) completely block everything ( including notification bar and buttons ) while waiting for the password.

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    Granular control over factory kids app creation

    Peter Gomberg · 0 · Posted

    I want to be able to try different things with the kids factory apps. For some reason when I make one and run the app on my Oculus Go, for example, the Android VR headset, the application will not run within the Oculus TV Android launcher like all other 2D Android apps I sideload onto the device but rather instead it displays itself over the entire display thereby breaking the use of it in VR on that headset. All other 2D Android applications work as expected, that is, that launch within the built in 2D Android app launcher which is

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    Private DNS - select mode

    Steve Rothkin · 2 · Last reply by Steve Rothkin

    Allow selecting private DNS mode (off, automatic, or private DNS provider hostname).

    I use private DNS to block most ads on my Pixel 6. However, some networks (e.g. BJ's wholesale club) block access to this DNS provider (or sometimes even Android's automatic private DNS) and only work if I temporarily turn off Private DNS while connected to that network and later turn it back on when I leave.

    I'd  like to setup a profile that automatically turns off Private DNS when connected to specific networks that have this issue and turn it back on (with the already configured DNS

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    Action Lock Feature - Within Task

    Kyle Tameirao · 0 · Posted

    The ability to lock down any actions within a task you want so that it can't be deleted while it's locked. This is useful for creating tasks and basically using lock to save actions or sequences that are finished while still working on other portions of the task. Would also make deleting everything except the actions you want to keep much easier and prevent accidental deletion. 

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    Lock cerain plugins and task actions

    Peyman Babazadeh · 0 · Posted

    When I lock Tasker, it appropriately locks some task actions like “Disable Tasker”. I was wondering if you can allow the options of adding other actions to the list of not allowed when locked. For example, I want to lock access to “SecureTasks” plugin actions while Tasker has an active lock, because that plugin has full access to my phone.

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    Create Notification from JSON (AutoNotification)

    Spurious · 0 · Posted

    Ideally, creating notifications would be possible from JSON inputs. You provide the necessary fields and it would create the AutoNotification with the properties. I assume this to be not too far away from how it works today. But it would help massively in re-using parts.

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    add search to autotools dialog list

    Logan · 0 · Posted

    It would be great if AutoTools dialog list had an option to turn on a search field to find a specific entry on the display list.

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    Track the date/time a task is run

    Evan W · 0 · Posted

    It would be very useful to retain and display the most recent run time for each task.  

    I would be of great assistance in troubleshooting (ie - did the task really run or not)

    Also it would be useful in keeping things clean and deleting task that are no longer used.

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    Authentication Dialog - Credentials Only Auth

    Nick Betcher · 0 · Posted

    In API 30+ it is now possible to have the BiometricPrompt.Builder (used by the Authentication dialog) require only credentials. In the US, the government may compel the owner of a phone to unlock it using their fingerprint since the government views a fingerprint as "public record" versus where a password is not. Besides, a person who is sleeping can have their fingerprints used against them while unconcious.

    As such, I feel that the Authentication dialog should allow the user of Tasker to specify that it should only ask for the device's password without prompting at all for biometrics.

    This is

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    Label collapsible

    JasonYate · 0 · Posted

    An anchor (label) action that works like the "If-End if" action to easily identify what the next 3-5 actions are about within a task.

    From▼(action) ▲To

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    intent specify path

    ttschnz · 0 · Posted

    I propose extending Tasker's "Intent" feature to not only react to URL schemes but also to allow users to edit the "android:path" component of the URL. Specifically, I would like to have the ability to trigger Tasker tasks when clicking on a link that leads to a URL like "," where the "android:path" component would be ""

    Use Case: The primary use case for this feature enhancement is to enable Tasker to execute tasks on my Android device without actually opening the corresponding website. For example, if I click on a link that directs to "," Tasker would recognize the

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    Bypass lockscreen restrictions using Google Assistant from lockscreen

    Redpill · 0 · Posted

    Infuriatingly, Google restricted its own Google Assistant's functionality from lockscreens, with the assistant now frequently replying "You'll need to unlock your phone for that" ...even for things as simple as asking Google for directions/navigation!

    If someone had the smarts to figure out a way to utilize Tasker (with ADB) to bypass these limitations, that would be PHENOMENAL.

    Perhaps Tasker/ADB could trick the assistant to thinking the screen is still unlocked?

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    Show a portion of comment section in profile and task tab.

    urkindagood · 0 · Posted

    Preferably the first paragraph of the comment section (rather than limited characters), displayed under their name and this option should be accessible a toggle.

    This way, user could leave a brief description of their tasks and profiles and read them right away.