
Getting error message using autovoice with Google Assistant


Every time I use autovoice with Google Assistant, I get told to contact the developer with an error UUID. I've tried changing numerous settings to no avail. Any help?

Here is a few of the UUIDs





3 replies

Hi. Thanks. I checked the errors and it seems that your AutoVoice Natural Language subscription has expired? Can you check that?

And it turns out I hit the wrong comment button sorry, but this one doesn't allow screenshots.

71252517-8397-4fa8-8a6a-df7ecaf3014b is the latest code sorry 😢


Well, I went into the autoapps app, and tried the month to month subscription again, which gave me an error that "My order is being processed" so I chose the yearly one, subscribed, and went back and tried to no avail:

Is there another place I'm meant to be subscribing?

Sorry, and thanks heaps!

Sorry, I meant the natural language subscription, not the AutoApps one. Sorry if I mislead you. To check that go into AutoVoice > Natural Language > Commands > Toggle switch at the bottom off and on again and see what happens. Thanks in advance.

Oh! I totally didn't see that 🤣

Flipped that switch and now it works like a charm. Thanks so much!

~Glad it's working! :D

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