Support Advanced Messaging (RCS)

Newer Android phones have "Advanced Messaging" which isn't recognized as SMS or MMS messages so Tasker is not able to capture or react to these events.  Would like to have Tasker support this new message type.  Samsung Galaxy S8 and S9 phones on ATT in US support this feature. See ATT info here: https://www.att.com/esupport/article.html#!/wireless/KM1062086

See more info here from other Tasker users: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tasker/rcs%7Csort:date/tasker/4IRssi2DWO4/AH3a9a-CAwAJ

5 replies


After some search on my phone, all rcs work with (and Like to) MMS Style.

To get RCS message, we can just read content provider of MMS  (content://mms) with ct_t like "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related".

After all part with text (plain/text) or data (link to file) is in content://mms/part

All conversations with multiple users use SIP chatroom (visible in content://mms column tr_id)

Excuse me to writing all this without order. But I think we can use RCS just with MMS with some options. Just check changes on MMS content tables to see the order and how RCS data is writed in MMS content tables. 


Is anyone finally found a way to get any incomping message among SMS, MMS or RCS into a variable in Tasker ?


For incoming message some other automatic app can wait for content change.

Otherwise have you check in broadcasted intents ?

To check intents, I found one very useful "small tool app" (free & ads-free too ) in play store : "Internal Broadcasts Monitor" (lt.andro.broadcastlogger)


Hello, still no news from Google ?



Hi João, any update on this? Google Fi just rolled out RCS also

There's still no Android API for it so I don't think there's anything I can do unfortunately...

There's no Android API for RCS yet but I actually already asked Google for this. Fingers crossed!