Project Import/Export Issues

Hi Joao,

I am currently importing and exporting my projects to different mobile devices. However, each time I do this, if the project shares tasks or uses profiles from another project, they get mixed up upon import. This makes it difficult for me to determine which tasks and profiles belong to which project.

Is there a way to optimize this process so that tasks, profiles, etc., do not get mixed up and remain within their respective projects?

Thank you for your assistance

1 reply

Hi. Can you please clarify what you mean by "mixed up" exactly? Thanks



I'll describe an example:

I have projects A and B on two different devices. These projects share some tasks.

When I make some updates to project B on device 2 and want to share that project with device 1, the result is that device 1 will have the updated project B, plus all project A profiles, scenes, etc., that have something in common with project B (mixed).

To avoid this, I have even tried to lock project A on both devices, but with no luck.

Can you help me find a solution?

Hi! Can you please export a minimal example of that as an URI (not a link, but a direct URI) and paste it here so I can then import it and test it myself?

Thanks in advance!