Project Export Without Including Profiles,Tasks,Scenes from Other Projects

Can you add support for project export without including tasks/scenes/profiles from other projects.

The problem is that say you have 3 projects. project 1 and 2 use common helper profiles,tasks and scenes which are all defined in project 3. Now if you export project 1 and 2 and share it with someone. They will only be able to import project 1 and importing project 2 will fail because when they imported project 1 all the helper tasks from project 3 were also imported, now they cant import project 2 because tasker already contains tasks with the same name.

Moreover when project 1 is imported, the tasks from project 1 and 3 are mixed inside the same project. This creates a mess and destroys the purpose of separate projects.

There should be support to export projects with only tasks/scenes/profiles referenced inside the same project only. This way each project 1,2 and 3 can be exported separately and imported separately, this way there wont be any conflicts when importing.The temporary missing references would not be that big of a problem i think, as long as you import the missing projects next...

Also If the order of the tasks can be saved as well when exporting projects, that would be helpful because the person importing the project will also have the same order of tasks after import.

If I am not mistaken you can export multiple tasks together but that wouldn't save the project name, and you would have to export profiles and scenes separately, creating 3 files instead of 1.