Missing permission to manage external storage

Hi there, I stumbled uppon this error and dont know how to fix it.

I am just trying to change my UI language from german to english, but as soon as I try that I get a error "Missing permission" to manage external storage. But in the App permissions I can not find any way to allow the storage management.

I am running Tasker 6.2.1-beta on a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 with One UI 5.1

Maybe anyone here can help?

Thanks in advance.

1 reply

Hi there, thanks for the report! Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YGuMAWRfyYlUKMdgb4xyVEUfddWz_zzI/view

If you want you can also check any previous releases here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GW55YKFiuOZhJVswnt_BQUCJoGm36ugF?usp=sharing