Use Shizuku as background alternative to ADB and/or Root


The very, very short description of Shizuku is that it is an App that allow other apps to use actions reserved for ADB or Rooted devices.

Shizuku is on the PlayStore, and the whole procedure is incredibly easy in comparison to Root, and even ADB Wifi.

And yeah, I know you've implemented ADB Wifi shenanigans, but If the user has Tasker and any of these apps, then they are likely not going to want to do a separate procedure for Tasker. Unlike ADB Wifi and the Permissions App, it also means that tutorials and guides are offloaded to Shizuku Devs and the Community at large, rather than to you, João.

The catch is that the user needs to enable the service every time the device boots... Except a user figured out a way to start Shizuku using Automate:


And since the app is open source, you could possibly develop a Tasker action that does most of the stuff in the background, maybe merge requesting a Tasker Plugin Action to send the code directly without using the notification.

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Forgot to mention, but it is apparently faster to use Shizuku shenanigans than root