Alert > Popup Creates Scene Popup Conflict

Using the Alert > Popup creates a scene named "Popup".  This creates a conflict when trying to import any other project that also has a scene named "Popup".  Since scene names must be unique, no one can import my projects from Taskernet for this reason.   


Perhaps create a scene with a random name that is unlikely to be in use elsewhere for Alert > Popup, or allow duplicate scene names across projects?

3 replies


I agree .  I don't think it would take all that much change.  Currently you can select the scene layout from the action by tapping on the layout category.  This shows a list dialogue of all your scenes. If there was an option in that list for 'New Scene' just as there is an option for new task in a task list dialogue. You could then have an option to name the scene and after naming it would open that scene in the editor which would start with a pop up layout.  


The way handle this is to re-name the pop up scene for each specific project.  I will usually tweak the layout for each specific use so renaming makes sense for that reason alone.  After it is renamed it will be recreated with the original name whenever a popup action is run that has popup selected as it's layout. 


Ideally, the Alert > Popup task command should provide the option to rename the scene that it creates.  That would eliminate any and all ambiguity.

I recommend using the Text Dialog action instead of the Popup scene... 😅 I understand the issue but this has existed for a very long time (ever since Tasker was developed by someone else) and it's quite hard to work around now. Thank you!