AutoNotification and Toast problem again

I haven't noticed this until today but it seems like AN no longer intercepts toasts. I reported this some 9 months ago here https://tasker.helprace.com/i1145-autonotification-not-working-on-samsung-a51-with-the-new-one-ui-3-0 and got a fix that worked but I can no longer get it to work. Maybe the October update caused this? Notifications are intercepted fine. I'm running Tasker 5.14.6 with AN 4.2.3 on Android 11 and One UI 3.1.


3 replies

Hi there, thanks for the report! Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q8qaSwxLWHIjCqk1HKogeYwkynfK9bFz/view?usp=sharing


Hi Joao, sorry for this extremely late feedback, I had completely forgotten about this issue as I've been concentrating on other things in life, but I just found out that a task that I have not used for some time didn't work as expected because a toast wasn't intercepted. And after a lot of digging I found my old posting and your response here and decided to test the link you provided. And it is still valid so I downloaded and installed the apk, and bingo! it seems to work, both toasts and notifications are now intercepted. Hopefully it will stay like that, not sure what the problem might have been, anything you wish to share?

Many thanks and sorry for this loooong delay :)


It was an issue with newer Android versions. :) Glad it's working again! :)


I noted that the version number is the same (4.2.3) for this "working" version, shouldn't the Google Play version be replaced by the new version as 4.2.4 or something? Not sure how this works though ...

Yes, it will eventually be that way, but I can't change the version number now, before updating it on Google Play, because otherwise Google Play wouldn't recognize the license and say that you didn't unlock the app :)