Common Problems

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    Call forwarding not working on android 14 and Xiaomi Redmi note 13

    Leon · 0 · Posted

    I think after the update of my Xiaomi Redmi note 13 it seems call forwarding is not working anymore from Tasker.

    The Takser proces completes succesfully but the calls aren't forwarded.

    If I use the *21*06xxxxxxxx# format (dutch cell phone number) and autodial enabled and simcard is selected, it just doesn't work. (It did before so no changes there). It also sends the confirmation SMS to the designated number.

    If I do the *21* command on the phone itself it does work and calls are being forwarded correctly.

    Any thoughts on how it could be fixed (restart of phone had

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    Orange Pi Zero 3 - problem with Direct Purchase Activation

    Flávio Augusto · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello, my friend! 

    First of all, congratulations on your excellent work. I’m already a Tasker user on mobile and just subscribed to your Patreon to get access to a Direct Purchase license. 

    The device I’m using doesn’t have Google Play—it’s an Orange Pi Zero 3 running a version of Android. 

    I’m unable to add the license because the 3-dot menu doesn’t appear. While researching, I found some old Reddit threads about similar issues, but the suggested solutions involved creating a task to open the preferences or checking for operational problems like Overscan settings, which didn’t work for me. 

    Since the

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    adb wifi can't enable debugging

    Anuraag Agrawal · 1 · Last reply by Anuraag Agrawal

    If there is multiple adb wifi action with Enable Debugging option then only 1st action works and after that error appears Can't enable debugging. Look at attached screenshot.

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    Tasker freezes when running messages task

    E · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    I have a simple text message rule set up where if text messages matches regex of certain URL, it will save it to array and launch the URL. This has worked perfectly for a while.

    Until now. When I receive the message with the URL, Tasker freezes. If the application is closed, tapping to open it will result in it crashing. If it is already open on my screen, it is touch disabled. However in many circumstances 30 seconds later the URL will end up opening. I see that Tasker processes it, but it freezes and crashes in the

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    HTML formatting broken in AutoNotification with Android 15

    Shaigan · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    The HTML formatting in AutoNotification notifications has been broken since the Android 15 Pixel Drop update on December 5, 2024 (AP4.241205.013.A2).

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    Taskernet: list seems not to be stable

    Maz · 0 · Posted

    The list of shares in Taskernet does not seem to be stable. One of my projects appears twice and another project is not displayed.

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    AutoInput crashes due to missing Google Play Services

    sev · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    The AutoInput app (and maybe other AutoApps that share similar base code) will begin to crash whenever you open the edit window if you do not have Google Play Services installed. Please find a way to make this error not fatal.

    This is the standalone version downloaded from your website.

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    Can't use array function in array pop action

    Moshe Siani · 0 · Posted

    In array pop i can't write an array function unless i put it inside a variable first.

    For example if i want to write inside the field Position in array pop action this function: %array(#?index) it won't allow me to do so because the keyboard is only keypads (numbers).

    My suggestion if possible is to change the keyboard or to have an option inside the variables list to create a new one because right now i can only choose a variable from the list.

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    Pick photos action returns with uri that isn't useable when using send intent

    Moshe Siani · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    In short, using Pick Photo action returns with the images URI path but when trying to use it in send intent for example it fails. To fix that you need to get the full path using SQL Query like here:

    The example is shown below the title: "Pick Photos/Media dialog".

    Can you maybe have another variable/array inside the Pick Photos action that will hold the full path.  

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    Have a problem? Please share it with us and we will do our best to solve it!

    João Dias · 0 · Posted
    Looking for a solution to your problem? Start by writing it here. Chances are someone has experienced it in the past and will help you resolve it.
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    My phone does not allow outgoing calls while tasker is running

    Jcartru · 5 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a motorola moto E, android version 6.0. Every time I place a phone call the outgoing call is blocked and the following message comes up " bloqueado por patrón * ". I have even deleted all the saved tasks and profiles but it is still coming up.

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    miui10 android 8.0 ringtone

    leomaks leomaks · 9 · Last reply by João Dias

    I can not change rington

    But if I select this file by ES Explorer there is no error, but this ringtone looks like this:

    So I can not use %var (random ringtone)

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    Brightness change back when pressing on/off button

    Nilsson · 6 · Last reply by Nilsson


    Have a action with brightness level 255. This works flawless and the brightness goes to maximum. When pressing on/off button so screen get black, and turn the screen on again the brightness has changed to what is was before pressing the action. This works om my old Lg g2, but not the Huawei p20. Any tips?

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    HTTP Get is not allowing username contains @

    valecnik · 0 · Posted

    Currently HTTP get allows username and password specified as username:, but username can not contains @, which is unfortunately limiting it.

    Ideal way would be to add new field for credentials.

    Thanks petr

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    Problems enabling mobile data in android 9 - Moto G6+ (Rooted Device)

    Bangdido · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    i got this error trying to enabling mobile data on moto g6+ with android 9 (rooted), is the same problem with "Secure Settings Plugin", i have v5.8.2 of tasker

    15.21.51/E Red móvil: cur: false want: true 15.21.51/Shell runSync svc data enable root: true timeout: 5000 15.21.51/Shell have process 15.21.51/Shell write cmd: svc data enable 15.21.51/Shell start process timeout timer 5000ms for: svc data enable 15.21.51/Shell start process-thread ID 2331 15.21.51/Shell joined with 2331 15.21.51/Shell exit result: 1 15.21.51/Shell non-null timeout 15.21.51/E wait for 300ms 15.21.52/E wait finished 15.21.52/E result: stop task (error) 15.21.52/E Error: 1 15.21.52/MacroEdit action finished exeID 6

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    Tasker "time context" cannot restore previous state switching off the phone

    wizardgsz · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hmm, Time Context has no "exit task" so I cannot accept the suggested solution here:

    Thanks a lot :)

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    Asking root permission without any profile

    Carlo Borrometi · 3 · Last reply by Carlo Borrometi

    I have already tried to search on internet, and I have seen that a similar problem has been reported, which has been directed to the use of the activity for airplane mode or for data connection,but at the moment I don't have any profile or activity, why does tasker keep asking me for root permissions every hour?

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    [Bug] Outgoing Call event data not updated (%CNAME and %CNUM have old data)

    anonymized · 1 · Last reply by yu Sandy

    Hi, I have an issue with the Outgoing Call state profile in Tasker as described below:

    Issue Context:

    I have created the following simple profile:

    Profile Trigger >  Outgoing Call (found in State section)

    Actions > Notify (text is "hey you are making a call to this person named %CNAME with number %CNUM)


    When I make an outgoing call, this profile worked perfectly. but thereafter no matter how many outgoing calls I make, it always displays the wrong caller data (triggers the action but %CNAME and %CNUM are still pointing to the very first caller data, meaning they're not

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    ADB wifi command is not found on MIUI12,sh adb not found

    岚 山 · 1 · Last reply by 岚 山

    Hello , My device model is mi 6. 


    When I use ADB wifi on Tasker, the prompt is sh adb Not Found,As shown in the figure below.



    My device system info : I can provide you with the test, my email is: , please use Base64 decoding How to solve this problem?  TKS.






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    Lot of Errors in Log

    Rishabh Gupta · 0 · Posted

    I have been getting a lot of Errors logged which I'm not able to understand. Please tell me if it's from my side or if something else then please fix.

    Attaching Screenshot. 
