Tasker monitor unnecessarily wakes phone up every single minute if there are any time contexts
If I have any time contexts (eg. instant context that runs at 09:00, or a time context that repeats every hour), the tasker monitor wakes up every single minute. Nothing appears in the run log for this obviously, however you can see it in Battery historian and in the tasker debug log. Disabling all time contexts stops this from happening. Enabling a single simple time context causes the activity. The problem occurs no matter if "Use Reliable Alarms" is enabled or not.
Debug log:
15-05-2020 ReceiverStaticInternal: 10.49.00#m#ReceiverStaticInternal: r: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ALARUM
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: 10.49.00#b#WakeLockManager: acquired partial lock for M flags: 1 autorelease: true warn: true
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancel clear alarm, lastSetTime 0
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancelled clear alarm
15-05-2020 AlarmChanged: 10.49.00#m#AlarmChanged: System reported alarm changed
15-05-2020 M: handleStart: finished handling ID 6
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: 10.49.00#m#WakeLockManager: release: M
15-05-2020 M: process inbox, size 1 startID: 6 ecode 9998
15-05-2020 : 10.49.00#b#: eventType / 9998 (java.lang.Integer)
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancel clear alarm, lastSetTime 1589503740544
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancelled clear alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: handle time alarm: alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 38: not active
15-05-2020 TaskerContext: 10.49.00#b#TaskerContext: hourly repeat now 10.49 start 8.0 end 21.0 repeatVal 1 matchMin 0
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 24: not active
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 57: not active
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 46: not active
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: handleProfileChanges (timeAlarm)
15-05-2020 M: checkMatchStates: handleChanges: true handle: Profile Active
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: null, get default name: cust_notification
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: handle monitor changes (timeAlarm:handleProfileChanges)
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: update flags (timeAlarm:handleProfileChanges:handleMonitorChanges): handlerProfiles
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: clear flags (timeAlarm:handleProfileChanges:handleMonitorChanges:updateFlags): handlerProfiles
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: enableDisable updateFlags/timeAlarm:handleProfileChanges:handleMonitorChanges: needed monitors: TIME ACCESS SMS
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: needed flags:
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: needed pstate-types: 0 access-types: 64
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: cancel cooldown alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: set cooldown alarm for 3139170ms
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: AC refresh cooldown alarm: set
15-05-2020 TaskerContext: 10.49.00#b#TaskerContext: AC setAlarmWrapper/AC: M/cooldown/set: 11.41.19 want: true
15-05-2020 AlarmChanged: 10.49.00#m#AlarmChanged: System reported alarm changed
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: user present: false
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: need user-absent alarm to refresh time alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: startUAAA: need alarm: true
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: wantMotionDetect: true have: true
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: start SM listener
15-05-2020 MTEL: 10.49.00#b#MTEL: cancel: have listener: true have manager: true
15-05-2020 MTEL: 10.49.00#b#MTEL: cancelled
15-05-2020 MTEL: 10.49.00#b#MTEL: requested trigger sensor
15-05-2020 AlarmChanged: 10.49.00#m#AlarmChanged: System reported alarm changed
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#b#M: handleProfileChanges: done
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#m#M: TIME: handleTimeAlarm: monitor resumption
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#m#M: AC cancel time alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#m#M: set next time: 10.50.00 15-5-20
15-05-2020 M: 10.49.00#m#M: refresh next time: 10.50
15-05-2020 TaskerContext: 10.49.00#m#TaskerContext: AC setAlarmWrapper/AC: M/refreshTime/setTimeAlarm: 10.50.00 want: true
15-05-2020 AlarmChanged: 10.49.00#m#AlarmChanged: System reported alarm changed
15-05-2020 NLI: 10.49.00#m#NLI: tickerText:
15-05-2020 NSI: 10.49.00#m#NSI: sendNewNotification: ignore Tasker notification
15-05-2020 ReceiverStaticInternal: 10.50.00#m#ReceiverStaticInternal: r: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ALARUM
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: 10.50.00#b#WakeLockManager: acquired partial lock for M flags: 1 autorelease: true warn: true
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancel clear alarm, lastSetTime 0
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancelled clear alarm
15-05-2020 AlarmChanged: 10.50.00#m#AlarmChanged: System reported alarm changed
15-05-2020 M: handleStart: finished handling ID 7
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: 10.50.00#m#WakeLockManager: release: M
15-05-2020 M: process inbox, size 1 startID: 7 ecode 9998
15-05-2020 : 10.50.00#b#: eventType / 9998 (java.lang.Integer)
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancel clear alarm, lastSetTime 1589503800446
15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: cancelled clear alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.50.00#b#M: handle time alarm: alarm
15-05-2020 M: 10.50.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 38: not active
15-05-2020 TaskerContext: 10.50.00#b#TaskerContext: hourly repeat now 10.50 start 8.0 end 21.0 repeatVal 1 matchMin 0
15-05-2020 M: 10.50.00#b#M: check instant activation id: 24: not active
+5h23m21s960ms (2) 061 c0000000 charge=1725 +running +wake_lock=u0a104:"M" -wifi_radio wake_reason=0:"53:qcom,glink-smem-native-xprt-rpm:91:7781b8.qcom,mpm"
+5h23m22s008ms (2) 061 80000000 -wake_lock stats=0:"wifi-data: inactive"
+5h23m22s074ms (2) 061 c0000000 +wake_lock=u0a16:"NlpWakeLock"
+5h23m22s076ms (1) 061 00000000 -running -wake_lock
+5h24m21s901ms (2) 061 c0000000 +running +wake_lock=u0a104:"M"
+5h24m21s923ms (1) 061 80000000 -wake_lock
+5h24m21s923ms (2) 061 c0000000 +wake_lock=1000:"*alarm*:lock_screen_next_alarm" wake_reason=0:"53:qcom,glink-smem-native-xprt-rpm:91:7781b8.qcom,mpm"
+5h24m21s938ms (1) 061 80000000 -wake_lock
+5h24m21s959ms (2) 061 c0000000 +wake_lock=u0a16:"NlpWakeLock"
+5h24m21s961ms (1) 061 80000000 -wake_lock
+5h24m23s026ms (3) 061 00000000 -running wake_reason=0:"Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] " -tmpwhitelist=u0a16:"broadcast:u0a16:com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM"
+5h25m21s948ms (2) 061 c0000000 +running +wake_lock=u0a104:"M" wake_reason=0:"53:qcom,glink-smem-native-xprt-rpm:91:7781b8.qcom,mpm"
+5h25m21s993ms (1) 061 80000000 -wake_lock
+5h25m22s067ms (2) 061 c0000000 +wake_lock=u0a16:"NlpWakeLock"
+5h25m22s069ms (1) 061 00000000 -running -wake_lock
Version Info:
Tasker Version: 5.9.2Phone: Oneplus 5OS: OxygenOS 9.0.11 (Android 9). Not rooted.