Allow exporting Task/Project as app with additional files

Being able to create apps within Tasker is probably its neatest feature, but there's one rather annoying caveat: there's no option to export with additional files!

You have to use convoluted workarounds such as this: Reddit

There's also an app that helps you do it but it has file size limitations. Play Store

3 replies


Thought I'd chime in on this one. This has been a long standing issue due to the way Android allows APK's to be made. It's more a limitation of Android, than Tasker. The most sanest method is to use an assets package separate to the APK.. Basically a ZIP file that contains all your images, sounds and files. Get your kidapp to download it (Dropbox for example) and extract it to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/package.name.of.kidapp/files

This is also how play suggests you issue assets, as your APK stays small for updates without continually having to redownload assets. New assets can be also be pushed dynamically without updating app.

If you share links via Dropbox for it to download, change the last part of the Dropbox url (download=0) to download=1 and HTTP Request will happily fetch it.

I heard that there is a way to use this with the fonts in the scenes in the text element and also when exporting the apk you need to enable the debug option

There's this amazing project that showed me this possibility
