7 replies


You could use AutoShortcut, which is a free plug-in.


This doesn't support all apps, just a predetermined list. In fact it looks just like the Nova Launcher shortcuts.


Strange, on my device I can access the shortcuts from any installed app.


I've spoken to the Dev about this and he admitted is not currently possible. He suggested I post here so he can prioritise it .By the way Robert I did get that exact same screen . Mine did not however show Sleep as Android, which is one of the app shortcuts I want to use. And there are no intents currently available to cover the same action. Which means intenttask probably wouldn't work either. Maybe it would be easier to contact Sleep as Android Devs to get the nap feature as an intent but I thought it would also be a great features for Tasker .


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By the way, you know when you long click an app and some give a small tab of options? That's the shortcuts in referring to. 


It wants to set itself as a launcher .so no go. 


You can use whatever launcher you use, I really don't understand what's your problem. If you don't want a solution I'm wondering why you asked.

The user wants to call "App Shortcuts", not regular shortcuts, which is not currently available through Tasker or AutoShortcut. I'll have to check if that's possible :)


Already works in Tasker. Why don't you plan much more requested and important features in Tasker like backup??? I lost my profiles at least two times now. I don't understand the goal of this site at this point.

Luke, Tasker cannot call App shorctuts from other apps, right?