Add %urlcontent to the Page Load event in Webviews Elements

The Page Load event of the webview element allow us to get the url. would be possible get the html content in a variable? This option can allow users to get html content after ajax loading in some pages.

2 replies

I would find it useful also.

And in addition, have other variables that retrieve information, like:

  • URL visited (not from Web Control action)
  • URL Content
  • URL Response Code/Time
  • Any other useful information?

Mmm, I realized that the %url local variable already retrieves the URL visited.

Just so you know, you can already do that with the AutoTools HTML Read action. :) Still leaving this here to see if there's more interest in the feature.


We can't export apps that use plugins. Otherwise the AutoTools actions would work great. Being able to parse html after loading dynamic pages would give us the ability to build webscraping tools into our exported apps. It would also allow for different actions based on that dynamic web data. 

This is different from HTTP Get. HTTP Get, when not accessing an API, only gets the base page code and not the dynamically created html code that we see on the WebView element. This means that any dynamic content is inaccessible.

It seems to me that the WebView must have that code, otherwise it could not display it, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to access it. 

If that's already possible I'd love to know, but after weeks of scouring the web for answers and guess-&-checking hundreds of ideas, I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible yet.

Please create a variable accessible to Tasker that holds the currently-visible code of a WebView element that's showing on the screen. Basically the same thing as HTTP Request > Get > %http_data, but for what's currently showing on the WebView element when queried. 

Thanks for your awesome work.