maths adding negative number
Yesterday (or possibly one or two days before, I had tasker turned of for a while) one of my tasks that have been working for years started chrashing. After some debugging I've isolated the error to a 'set variable' where I add two other variables using 'do maths'. The problem occurs when the second of the variables added is negative. Trying to replicate the errror I found that if i just tried to set %newvar to e. g. 3+-1 there's no problem, but if i first set %var to e. g. 0-1 (getting a negative result) and the try to set %newvar to 3+%var then it crashes with an error message saying "Mathematical expression contains the invalid value - 1". (There seems to have been an update to the 'do maths' functionality at about the same time this started happening, as there is now a 'max rounding digits' alternative that I don't remember seeing before)