
open map action does not work on S10 but work on S9


last week open map action stop working well , here is a forum where i reported it, and it was tested by one more user on S9 - but was working for him, 

Tasker topic - Forum

I use it daily (twice a day, sometimes more) and last week it stop working, it navigate to the wrong address, always, I actually change my task to sue spot instead of navigating so it will continue working for now, here is the tasker app: navHelper I probably have a new version if needed for troubleshooting

point to make is that all my addresses are coded into a json file and has not changed before and after the problem started, and I also checked manually to see that t is happening 

one example that does not work for me (for your testing, assuming it might be location-based) is 

"150 broadway, st Cambridge ma" but I can provide many more if needed


the problem is always with navigateTo action but working well with Spot option 

2 replies


    Testmap (44)
    A1: Open Map [ Mode:Navigate To Address:150 broadway cambridge ma 
Lat,Long: Zoom:1 Label: ]


it will navigate to a range of addresses if you put point instead of navigating it will be accurate, if you add "st" after broadway navigateTo will bring you  to a different street (broadway terrace" but Point action will work ok. -very strange

I can give more addresses with such problem if you need them

That's an issue with Google Maps then, sorry! Nothing I can do to fix it.

Can you please export your task's description (not xml) so I can take a look? Long-click the task in Tasker->export description Thanks in advance

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