
Add 'android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT' to AndroidManiftest.xml

Hi Joao,

I would like to know if you could add the android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT permission to Tasker, as I just found that I can't make Tasker to interact with the Process Limit option under Developer Options.

Thank you.

2 replies

Hi there! Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UfMEt1H6wjlMDdsqByn-flCRqE45PdJ1/view?usp=sharing

Let me know if it works :)

I just replied to you on Reddit. It works now ;)

Thank you!

For future reference on how you guys can manage to change the Android's Background Process Limit, you can check the following link:
