An important note about the problem of exported apps doesn’t work without Tasker

The important note: Some exported apps works successfully without Tasker if the screen of the phone is on (surely if it can work when screen is on in Tasker before exporting).

Explanation1: Recently I have created a project. The aim of it is to open the flashlight without need to unlock the phone. Just by gestures. The project works successfully in Tasker. But after I'd exported it as an app and disabling Tasker. The app doesn't work.

Explanation2: My flashlight project is designed to run when screen is off. But to check my note I've edited my project to run when the screen is on in Tasker. Then after editing the project and checking that it runs in Tasker while the screen is on. I 've exported the project as an app then I've disabled Tasker. Then I 've installed the app. The result that the app runs successfully without Tasker while the screen is on.

The problem is: some  exported apps don't work after exporting them as apps while it works in Tasker successfully before exporting them. I 've had the same problem before in a previous project (I've posted it here 2 months ago: A problem when exporting a project as an app) https://tasker.helprace.com/i511-a-problem-when-exporting-a-project-as-an-app



  1. I have an app installed on the same phone and done with Tasker also can run some tasks (like alert me by voice when Bluetooth is disconnected) while the screen is off and Tasker is disabled, so I think the problem isn't form the phone.
  2. I've installed the same flashlight app on another phone (Galaxy A7 2017 android 8.0 ). It has the same behavior as my first phone (Galaxy A50 Android 9.0) .
  3. The previous project was a project to take call automatically when phone is ringing and standing up so the exported app doesn't work although the screen is on (because the phone is ringing)

The question: Could you, sir, help me in order to make the exported apps can run successfully while screen is off ( if  it works successfully before exporting them in Tasker) and the app that take call automatically can run without Tasker after exporting.

Thank all of you very much for helping me especially the perfect man Mr. João Dias

1 reply

Hi there.
To make sure Tasker and the AutoApps (and exported APKs) run in the foreground please check here: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/faqs/faq-problem.html#00

Hope this helps!

Hi, Mr.João ,I 've read these instructions once.It needs to be read from me another time to fix the problem. thank you very much for your help.