A problem when exporting a project as an app

My device is galaxy A50 android 9.I 've created a project to answer an incoming call autimatically.the project runs successfully.after exporting the project as an app and after installing the app and enable accessiblity setting for the app and enable change system setting from setting after that the app didn't answer the call automatically although the device did that before exporting the project .I hope to fix the problem in a next update of Tasker.

1 reply

Did you also enable all the permissions for the app?

Thank you very much Mr.Joao .yes I have enabled them .I 'd like to say that This problem has encountered me in the previous version and still exists in the last update(5.7). I'll list my procedures after I'd installed the app. 1-I disabled Tasker. 2-I went to accessibility setting and turned it on for the app. 3-I went to (setting>apps) and I enabled all permissions for the app. 4- I disabled battery optimization for the app.5-I enabled changig system setting for the app. 6-I opened the app and enabled the option of auto answering the call if the phone is ringing and standing up. Note:the project runs successfully in Tasker before exporting the project as an app  in both versions the previous and the last recent update(5.7)