
Import via share link fails due to missing permissions

When trying to import a project that has root actions integrated (via TaskerNET link), the import fails on non-rooted devices.

I get the following message during the import dialog:

Missing Permissions

Tasker needs the following permission(s) for the functionality you have configured:

Root Access

If i then click "ok" nothing happens and the import aborts without message

I don't see a reason why the import should not work in this case.

1 reply


Any news on this?

The reason for my request is following:

I have created a larger project for home automation to link Android devices to the smart Home. For rooted devices there are some advanced features, but the project is mainly designed for devices without root, to avoid errors with non-rooted devices, the root actions are skipped for devices without root. I would be happy if the import problem could be solved.

Thanks for the comment. Makes sense!