Tasker Say voice engine bug

In using the Say functionality, I have a task that reads out at regular intervals. The voice engine selected is the Google engine and it is the 3rd option in the selection list. When testing the function with the play feature, it works as expected. However, when the task is triggered by the profile, it does not use the Google engine to read. Instead, it appears to take the 1st in the list - in my case it is a different language. 
It would be great if it can be fixed. 

2 replies

Is a different task triggering maybe? I have no other similar reports...


It is not, as far as I can tell. The task is an anonymous task belonging to a profile that speaks out the time every 30min. I have no other tasks that use the Say function.

Since posting this bug, I have observed that it almost always use the 1st voice engine, but unpredictably it used the selected (correct) voice engine a handful of times in these past 2 weeks.