
Test File File Size Problem

Used tasker for years on Android 4.4. Now forced onto 7 and uh oh...

I used tasker to check presence of a file by testing file size. I believe this is the documented way to go about this. However, on Android 7 I am seeing these in the debug log.

It appears that tasker is performing an ls command and that seems right. But it seems it is not prepared for the output it gets. Maybe I am wrong?

4 replies

Can you please export your task's description (not xml) so I can take a look? Long-click the task in Tasker->export description Thanks in advance


Here it is. It would seem the issue is in A2. Thanks!

KillOpera (102)
A1: Run Shell [ Command:am force-stop com.webronic.app.bookmark; am force-stop com.opera.browser; rm -rf /data/data/com.opera.browser/cache/* Timeout (Seconds):0 Use Root:On Store Output In: Store Errors In: Store Result In: ]
A2: Test File [ Type:Size Data:/data/data/com.opera.browser/files/appstate.bin Store Result In:%appstate_exists Use Root:On Continue Task After Error:On ]
A3: Delete File [ File:/data/data/com.opera.browser/files/appstate.bin Shred Level:0 Use Root:On ] If [ %appstate_exists Set ]
A4: Perform Task [ Name:Opera Cookies Priority:%priority+1 Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stop:Off ]

Ok, fixed! Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVuK97CNhk-03otJwSmn8dX0T2jF7_jb/view?usp=sharing


Congratulations! That version does seem to do away with the error popup. I need to point out that I have not yet actually tested the value returned by the size test. But at least the error is gone and for my needs (a simple test of a file's existence) things seem to be working. Thanks for your help with this.

Glad it's working! :)

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