Listener for new modes presets

The latest Android update introduced Modes. They allow us to predefine Do Not Disturb settings.

Unfortunately, they have limited capabilities at the moment, and it would be great to enhance them with Tasker by adding an action that executes upon activating such a mode.

Tasker could detect whether a mode has been activated and which one (preferably by name). Then, we could use a profile to listen for its activation and, for example, use a Tasker action to turn on vibration.

3 replies

Hi. Do you know if there's an API to listen for changes in those modes?


Unfortunately, no. I tried to see if I could change it using custom_settings, and while it did find the variable 'zen_mode_config_etag' every time I made a change, its values changed periodically for the same modes.
Perhaps Android sends some global event?


I think 'zen_mode_config_etag' is related to the ETA ending of the mode when a time is set. I found the 2nd value is negative when I set 'untill I revoke'.

Hhmm ZenMode has existed forever now... 😅 The OP mentioned that it was a new feature introduced in the latest update?


They changed it in last update. Now we can create own modes.

Before that there was only one DND.


Literally found this after trying to find out why zen_mode_config_etag doesn't work for hours. I don't even know this website existed before, but yes please. I would love to be able to react to certain modes (since the built in ones are kinda shit). Funnily enough, tasker is suggested but I thin it's a side effect of how tasker applied device effects like grey scale. If you try to select it, you get a message reading to "configure with 'device effects' action in tasker"


@João Dias Will you add the ability to listen for changes to these modes?

Maybe in the future. Not sure yet, sorry!