Task for Wifi state connected not working as expected


I have setup a profile which has:

WIFI CONNECTED STATE: When connected to specific SSID, then Initiate a task.

This works as expected when I connect to said SSID, _HOWEVER_ the EXIT TASK only works when you physically manually turn off the Wifi from the android quick settings menu. If you walk far enough away from the wifi that mobile data kicks back in, the EXIT TASK fails to run.

Any ideas?


2 replies


Hi mate,

Please see below as requested:

Profile: Adguard disabled on WiFi
State: Wifi Connected [ SSID:homewifi333 MAC:* IP:* Active:Any ]

Enter Task: Adguard OFF

A1: Send Intent [
Action: stop
Cat: None
Extra: password:*****
Package: com.adguard.android
Class: com.adguard.android.receiver.AutomationReceiver
Target: Broadcast Receiver ]

Exit Task: Adguard ON

A1: Send Intent [
Action: start
Cat: None
Extra: password:*****
Package: com.adguard.android
Class: com.adguard.android.receiver.AutomationReceiver
Target: Broadcast Receiver ]

Does it help if you set "Active" to "Yes"?

Can you please export your profile's description (not xml) so I can take a look? Long-click the profile in Tasker->export description Thanks in advance