Autoinput setText/appendText comma issues

I have faced some problem which is when i setText using autoinput, it will seperate my variable with comma automatically, even though i set the seperator empty or change it to other things beside comma. I have try as many method as I can, but it's still not working. This issues only appears on setText and appendText.

For example, I have a variable "Hello, How are you?". The text paste out will be "Hello" only. Actually the seperator is not working at all, when i change the variable to "Hello @ How are you?", and set seperator to "@", its not seperating the text. 

How can I fix this? Did i miss something? or its a bug. Hope for reply, Thank you.

1 reply

Hi! Can you please export a minimal example of that as an URI (not a link, but a direct URI) and paste it here so I can then import it and test it myself?

Thanks in advance!