About autoshare runtimeerror

When I performed the following task, the following error was output. Please let me know how to deal with it.

Task: 1autosharetest

A1: Status Bar [
Set: Collapsed ]

A2: App Info [ ]

A3: Variable Set [
Name: %package
To: %app_package
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A4: AutoShare [
Configuration: Package: com.android.settings
Class: com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails
App: Android
Action: App Details Settings
Data: package:%package
Timeout (Seconds): 10
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

08.05.22/LicenseCheckerTasker Checking cached only
08.05.22/LicenseCheckerTasker cache validity left -264764
08.05.22/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached status: Licensed
08.05.22/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached only: Licensed
08.05.22/ActionArgBundle key: IntentMimeType: replace String value with null
08.05.22/Variables doreplresult: |package:%package| -> |package:net.dinglisch.android.taskerm|
08.05.22/ActionArgBundle AutoShare: IntentData: package:%package -> package:net.dinglisch.android.taskerm
08.05.22/E FIRE PLUGIN: AutoShare / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 10 bundle keys
08.05.22/E AutoShare: plugin comp: com.joaomgcd.autoshare/com.joaomgcd.autoshare.broadcastreceiver.IntentServiceFire
08.05.22/Ew add wait type Plugin1 time 10
08.05.22/Ew add wait type Plugin1 done
08.05.22/E handlePluginFinish: taskExeID: 1 result 3
08.05.22/E pending result code
08.05.22/E add wait task
08.05.22/E Error: 365794407
08.05.22/E java.lang.RuntimeException: Can´t run action. Check notifications.


2 replies


I think I found the issue & solution. How I found it out: within AutoShare > Logs and Alerts I deactivated "Action Error Notifications". I closed the app (AutoShare) Then I opened Tasker and run the Task again, I got the same error and immediately opened AutoShare. Then, at the bottom and for very few seconds I saw an error message saying that the app didn't have permissions to post notifications. Thus I went to my phone settings > Apps settings > AutoShare > Show over other apps. Now my Task works!

Hi. Do you get a notification with more details?


I have exactly the same issue but no notification is shown (despite the fact that the error message says "check notifications". I have tried with different App>Actions and always the same error. I'm on a OnePlus with Android 14.0