Task Running Timeout

An option under Task properties to enable a timeout after x time so that tasks that get stuck due to actions without timeouts or whatever the reason. This will essentially end the task regardless of its status so other tasks that are Q'd up can proceed without incident. 

When third party plugins are involved, and even some native Tasker actions, often times errors will result in tasks never completing and end up stuck in an indefinite run state even when "Continue Task After Error" is selected. If the action doesn't throw an error, then it'll just keep trying to execute the action with no way to stop it automatically. This is a solution to that problem. 

1 reply


That would be a very useful new feature..

Not a great work around, However this can be done fairly easily by using this project.


You could do it with one profile that monitors %TRUN.  It would just set a Timer for any Named Task you like, then stop the task at the end of the timer.

You can reply to that thread if you want to give it a try..