Auto XML backups corrupted

I have just tried to read the most recent automatic backup XML, but it's not a valid XML file.

Manual files created are fine, but the automatic ones have no carriage returns (not critical, but irritating) and the tags have missing spaces, making them invalid, for example:

<TaskerData sr=""dvi="1"tv="5.14.6">

2 replies

Hi. I cannot reproduce this. Do you maybe have something on your device that might be changing the files created in that folder?


I can't think of anything. My phone's set up pretty basically; the only apps I have are common things such as Zoom, WhatsApp, YouTube, VLC. The timestamp on the files match the time in the directory name. All the automatic backups since I installed the phone are corrupted in this way, manual ones are fine.

I do see frequent messages in the log; for example:

TD: 12.51.21#b#TD: warning: getPIDSInProject: bad index: -1 size 7
TD: 12.57.12#b#TD: warning:getPIDSInProject: bad index: -1 size 7
PackedObject: 12.57.21#b#PackedObject: error: bundle ToXML StringAux: ignoring null value for key g, src Share depth 2
PackedObject: 12.57.21#b#PackedObject: error: bundleToXML StringAux: ignoring null value for key g, src Share depth 2

Could these be related? I can't work out any pattern as to when they appear or what they might mean or relate to. I've looked online, but can't find anyone else that says anything but "ignore them" (not helpful).

I am running a Moto G50, Android 11, if that helps any.

Does it help if you delete the auto backup folder and let it create a new one?


I've deleted the backup folder. It created a new one, but it still did the same.

I did some testing and the bundleToXML error is definitely happening every time an auto backup is made. I hadn't spotted the pattern before as the error log is only shown when Tasker is exited and reloaded, not when you just switch away and back to it. The getPIDSInProject error may or may not be related; it doesn't happen most of the time, so may be something else entirely.

A manual backup does actually log the bundleToXML message, but the output is formatted correctly, so the message does not appear to be directly connected to the output difference.

Unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce the issue... Does it still happen with the newest version from Google Play?


I did a forced update, but still the same thing is happening. I suppose it could be something at the OS level, but I can't understand why it happens to auto backups and not manual ones. I will keep monitoring it and looking for anything my end; it's not actually preventing me from doing what I need it for for now, at least.