Fingerprint sensor event

Add a fingerprint event so Tasker can respond to fingerprint scanner from any screen.

This will enable things like turning off screen with fingerprint sensor, as well as execute any task with a touch of finger.

Better have options to respond only to registered finger, as well as gestures (fingerprint swipt down... Etc.)

7 replies


You can already do it with the free plugin TouchTask


Thanks for the great suggestion. However I tried TouchTask and found it can only react to swipe actions but cannot detect single tap on fingerprint sensor. It's easier to turn on/off with only single tap...


I know this was a while ago, but i just posted the same idea in Reddit (didn't know about this place). Along with this suggestion I would add an action "Read fingerprint" so I would be able to read fingerprint on demand - this will spare some collision and resource consumption

Regarding the registered fingerprint this could be configurable and as for Touchtask, this is way different, I use touchtask but it does not allow the detection of registered fingerprints and the context problematic.


We'll never get which fingerprint was used. This information is stored in a dedicated and isolated portion of your Android, which Android itself doesn't have access to. It can only get a yes or no basically wether a fingerprint matched. Search for "TrustyOS" for more 😊


It's been a year so I guess the developer ignored this feature request for good :(

João already did something about it recently with the "Authentication Dialog" action. I hope that shortly he will provide us with the fingerprint event.

It's not ignored. It's just that other features have higher priority.


This is a "luxury" feature and despite being popular, is still a luxury. Lots of more important things to fix. There are alternatives available in the meantime 😊


This has been realized. The new Logcat allows selection of finger down and finger up actions on the sensor, and Tasker can be made to perform Tasks based on as many individual fingerprints as your personal device is capable of storing.


The phone does not always "listens" to the fingerprint events, it requires a software that will turn the listening mode on, otherwise the events in the logcat are dull and do not contain the "authenticate" character to tell whether the fingerprint is registered in the phone or not


Also, the "Any sensor" event may make this easier?


My mistake, we are only half way to this. Fingerprints can fire Tasks now but the display has to be turned off to activate the sensor. How about a Tasker feature to activate sensor without affecting display? 


The new sensor event will allow the fingerprint to be used at will, if the fingerprint sensor is listed. Works for my XZP


autoinput recognizes fingerprint touch with display on (at least on my pixel 4a). for swipes in all directions, i use touch task plugin. of course would be cool to have a native event for all of that..