Top Topics

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    mqtt publish

    ramazan samur · 3 · Last reply by Federico Granata


    Could you please add mqtt publish method to tasker? 


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    Change Scenes Seekbar to Material Design

    Zachary Keith · 0 · Posted

    Most elements in scenes have been updated to Material Design, but the seekbar has been left out and its feelings are you. Please update the seekbar to match MD and the rest of the scene elements. Thanks!

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    Ability to show maximum-width Task Names when adding Tasks to a Profile

    Tasker Pro · 1 · Last reply by Richard Kemp

    Right now when a device is in Portrait mode and a Task needs to be added to a Profile - the menu that pops up truncates Task names since the menu is only maybe half the screen width.

    There should be an option to have that menu extend the full width of the screen so the most characters as possible of the Task name can be displayed.

    Right now Tasker just randomly cuts characters and replaces them with "..."

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    A simple checkbox for flash action.

    WhirlWolf · 1 · Last reply by Smit Boss

    A simple checkbox on most of the actions that will make all output variables automatically flash when the action is ran.

    Eliminate headache of creating and deleting flash actions especially for debugging and testing.

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    Save Option in Task

    Lawr · 0 · Posted

    If you are editing a task it would be nice to be able to save changes directly in that view. 

    I see variations on this request (autosave, save on exit, etc.) but what would be really helpful for me would simply be the ability to save a task while in edit mode. I've lost changes many times. When building or  troubleshooting a task I am often in it for a long time and needing to back out and save, then re-enter then, back out, then save... While also running the task and tweaking actions. If there are related tasks that

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    Battery usage report

    Kristian Tigersjäl · 1 · Last reply by Richard Kemp

    Tasker is usually battery friendly but some people write incredible and large things which may end up using some relevant amount of battery. A battery report built into Tasker would be great. It should list how much battery each task has used of the total battery Tasker used. Preferably also the battery impact for monitoring profiles etc. Whatever details possible to add.

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    Support full screen scenes on devices with screen cutouts

    Bryce · 3 · Last reply by Davie Lam01

    It would be nice if Tasker was capable of displaying scenes in full screen including behind any notches and camera holes. Right now there's no way for a scene to extend all the way to the top and bottom of a screen if the phone uses a notch or hole-punch for the front facing camera.

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    Productivity. Tasks UI long click on second action to select all in between

    Steve Waring · 0 · Posted

    If just one action in a task has been selected by long pressing on it, allow a second long press on a different action to select that one, and all the actions in between the two actions. Like Shift+Click on a list in windows.

    This would be so much easier when there are quite a few actions to be selected and you have to scroll the list.

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    New run log option to filter and search for Tasker ID numbers

    Rich D · 2 · Last reply by Rich D

    This will go with the new "Search Tasker " option found here


    New run  log option--

     A long press in the ID column will now offer the options to

     ---Filter on that ID number

     -- ** Search Tasker By ID Number ** 

    which will open the tasker search function and search for that specific ID number. 



    See also - name task from task edit page




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    Under Review

    Autoimport Projects and Profiles

    raddacle · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    While there is an import action to tasks and entire configurations, there is no way to import profiles or projects. Being able to autoimport profiles and projects would allow us to keep family member's devices updated through dropbox or google drive syncing/sending.

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    Scene Tasks Management

    roizcorp · 0 · Posted

    I created an "app" in a form of a scene, I run in as Tasker shortcut. There are many elements, each can run multiple tasks depending the context and the action (tap, long tap etc.). Creating it was one of the more difficult projects I created in Tasker for the following reasons: For every edit I need to do multiple steps in order to test and debug (i.e.

    1. hit back numerous times to get out of scene editor
    2. start scene - usually dedicated tasks with at least "show scene" action
    3. operate the element
    4. destroy/hide the scene
    5. show run log
    6. identify
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    Add comment field to Profiles

    mbefore305 · 2 · Last reply by Tasker Pro

    To document what a profile does and what is triggered by it would make life easier. Similar is already possible in a task to describe what it does and what input it uses.

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    Ability for Tasker to keep scenes looking the same no matter the screen size

    Tyler T · 0 · Posted

    This is a must but also could be tricky. The problem with creating scenes in tasker is that device screen sizes can vary. This can make it a huge pain to create scenes on a large phone and then transfer them to other devices or vise versa. For example: Creating a scene that looks good on a Note 8 and then transferring it to a Galaxy S7 Edge. Scenes on the S7 Edge will look cramped together or the text sizes might be wrong. Makes it a pain if you have multiple Android devices with varrying screen sizes. 

    If tasker

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    Automate merging calls into a conference.

    Muhammad Majid · 0 · Posted


    Requesting feature to make 2 calls merge into a conference call.

    Here's what i'm trying to achieve here.

    I have an expensive call plan which allows me to make unlimited local and international calls. The only way i can let my wife use it for international calls (without her having access to my phone) is to give her a local call, make another international call, and merge them into a conference and let her talk to her heart's content.

    What i'm trying to achieve is to automate the conference call based on the sms so that she could do

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    Scenes sizes

    Giancarlo Ferreira · 1 · Last reply by Somesh

    Greetings! I would like to leave a tip: in the next update, you can put the option to use percentage (%) to change the size of the resolution of the scenes, besides the pixels? It would help a lot to fit all screen sizes. Ex: to cover the entire screen, just place 100% vertical and 100% horizontal. Thank you.

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    "System / Send Intent" action should support more than 3 EXTRAs

    Kaarel Kaljurand · 1 · Last reply by schrott97

    I want to launch an app ( that supports lots of EXTRAs via Tasker, but Tasker's "System / Send Intent" only supports 3 EXTRAs. Maybe this is just a UI limitation, but even then it is a limitation, for which I don't know a good workaround.

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    Bug found: Race condition when updating scene elements

    Noel Yap · 0 · Posted

    When programmatically updating two scene elements, one element will get the value of the other, at least for Number Pickers. `new_val` acts like a Singleton having just one state.

    I've been seeing this behavior for the Expiry Hours element. Logging shows one value of `%new_val` before the assignment and a different value after the assignment.

    Logging shows `eh` eventually getting the value meant for `em`.

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    Set Live wallpapers

    OldChicagoPete · 0 · Posted

    I would like to be able to set the Pixel's live wallpapers using Tasker.

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    Option to disable Display Off Monitoring

    Agraetz83 · 0 · Posted

    At the moment tasker only allows to increase the display off monitoring interval to 9999 seconds (~2,8h). I'd like to disable it entirely or better yet take FULL control which profiles are allowed to wake the device and which aren't.

    Background: I've got an exported kid app which is supposed to wake the device at predefined times. This is absolutely critical. There isn't anything else that should be done, if the user isn't actively using the device. Now Doze works like this: if an app wakes the device, it's blocked for another 9 minutes from waking the device again. If