Text Input scene element gets altered when tappin on 'Background' tab

I would like to report something related to the Text Input element from scenes.

When you just create it (and show it) a bottom line that tells the user that this is a text input type field gets appeared everytime the scene is shown (created), but when you visit/tap the Background tab it gets dissapeared permanently. You need to delete and create the element again, and avoid entering to this tab again.

I can create something like a little frame using the Rectangle element, and also it would end cleaner, maybe... But I just wanted to report it because I think it's a strange behaviour that should not be happening.

Suggestion: If possible and applicable, a good idea would be to include an option within its properties to let the user decide if he/she wants it to be shown or not, as I explained before, you can create your own frame or something else can tells that this is a text input field.

Video preview (bug): https://youtu.be/O7e3YwQISss

2 replies

Thanks for the report. Seems like a long standing bug. :) I'll take a look when I can, thank you!

EDIT: I think that if you add an option to hide/show it on-demand, will be better, as sometimes this bottom line can be a bit annoying (UI appearance), so a clean input text field is better.