
Has %INTERRUPT changed its format?

I ahd a profile which looked at the state of %INTERRUPT before changing it so that it could be restored later.  It stopped working recently (not sure when).  However where %interrupt used to one of the values:

  1. all
  2. alarms
  3. none
  4. priority

It appears now to return a numeric value?  Any idea what these are, when and how the change happened and whether we can rely on the new values in profiles or tasks?

2 replies


I'm on 5.9.2 but playing around I think the issue was more to do with a change in the Test Variable action.This used to give me the variable value, but now gives me the only the length of the variable's value.

But to get the variable's value you simply need to use the variable directly :) No further actions are needed.


Yes I realise.  It was an old script and I can't figure out why I originally had a "test variable" rather than a simple assignment.  Anyway, all is good now.  Thanks for responding

Hi. What version of Tasker are you using?

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