Source control for tasker

I just had an incredible idea that might be of interest to Tasker users, and would be of exceptional help to myself: Source control like you see in git.

Commit and Push: You could make changes to your Tasker project, commit and push those changes to a repo (say on github, or VSTS), and be able to revert those changes by reverting the commit. You'd be able to see what changed between commits.

Branches: In addition, being able to make "branches" to allow for further source control, (for testing, specific sets of features, etc). The ability to merge branches and make pull requests to other people's projects. And being able to "checkout" branches as a way to enable or disable several tasks and profiles at once. Others would be able to "clone" your work to get the functionality that you've created, without having to import your exported projects. This would save everyone time.

Version Control: This would also allow for updates to a Tasker project to be publishable and would show an icon on the corner of the project at the bottom of Tasker when there are updates. In the popup menu for the project, you could click on "pull latest" to update that Tasker project. (Maybe there's also a setting on a per-project basis that would auto-pull (update) when there is a new commit to the project repo.) And if it's your project, you could click on "commit and push" with a popup for a commit comment.

Let me know what you think, I think it's an incredible idea to integrate directly with Tasker.

1 reply


Makes sense for an dev app 👍😉 great idea!