Possibility to copy if conditions from actions
Hello there 👋
This is a request for Joaomgcd, to implement a new feature into Tasker, which I believe will save lots of time when dealing with actions that has a complicated set of conditions set.
Currently, duplicating or reusing a tasks if-conditions is impossible. You can duplicate the action and preserve its conditions, but if you need the conditions on a different action, you are forced to tediously reconfigure the (at times) complicated conditions.
My hope is that it will be considered to allow copying the conditions off an action, much like an action is copied by long pressing it. The menu in the top featuring copy, cut and delete, could feature a button called copy conditions, or paste conditions if conditions are placed in the clipboard.
What does youppeople think about the idea? I found this idea which would also satisfy my request: https://tasker.helprace.com/i210-don-t-reset-action-conditions-when-changing-the-action
Kind Regards