
Sensors off option in android 10

Can you please add sensors off option in new tasker for android 10? Similar to dark mode toggle

It helps for privacy as well as battery saving.

9 replies


This version worked for me. Notice this is slightly different to the one in the comments above.


Ok, I didn't know about that adb command. :) Ok, added that in the ADB Wifi action. Use the helper there for easy selection.

Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SvQFvAxFwCk-hArfO_6wOH0UlvvMGi0z/view?usp=sharing

If you want you can also check any previous releases here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GW55YKFiuOZhJVswnt_BQUCJoGm36ugF?usp=sharing


Is this a new build? I just updated Tasker to stable build yesterday.

Yes, it's a new build I did just now :)


Tried your new build:

I'm able to add SensorsOff using Adb WiFi clearly with no extra efforts.

Few things to keep in mind.

1. Helper list is unclear, as sensors off tile comes under settings. It is only showing the tile as setting (does this matter to users?)

2. I couldn't run the adb wifi command and test it as I'm already rooted, but I did try to add this into task queue just to check if it's possible now..and yes it is possible.

FYI - User still need to enable the sensors off tile from developer menu before using this process.


Finally found a way without using any additional app but just Tasker.

run shell -

cmd statusbar click-tile com.android.settings/.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles\$SensorsOff

timeout - 3 secs

Root - enabled


Great, let me try


This worked thank you


I was able to use the following command to enable/disable tile:

pm enable com.android.settings/.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles\$SensorsOff

But in not able to toggle the value of the tile.


Is any solution for this by now?

Tried using custom settings but it's not getting detected for sensors off toggle

Sorry, there's no API to control that. Maybe you can use AutoInput to click the quick tile?


I'll try using AutoInput.. I was trying to do without relying on any other app. Even using adb or script via root is fine with me


Is there any option to add this


Yes it is pixel 2 xl


I  tried the custom settings but no hope.I could not find sensors off related option.

Thanks. Is that on a Pixel phone?

Can you clarify what "sensors off" is exactly?


Hi ,

There is an option in developer settings , when it is enabled a quick toggle comes.

it cuts all sensors, microphone, camera etc

Image result for sensors of android 10

Hi there. Maybe you can try using the "Custom Setting" action for that. Try using the Magnifying glass in the action with the option to automatically find the setting and see if Tasker can find it. Hope this helps! :)