Text Size and Word Wrap of Shell Action

There should be an option to change the text size of shell actions and also an option to disable word wrap. Writing multi-line scripts in shell actions is a mess with word wrap enabled and really hard to understand what is going on.

2 replies


yup monospace would be a good idea too for both...

although i think there should be an option to open the edit screen of variable and array set, shell and javascriplets, among others with some external app like quickedit which already has all the necessary features... not exactly sure how that can be implemented, maybe just activity intents would be enough or maybe temp file paths could be passed to the external app and after saving in the external app and returning to tasker, tasker can read from the updated file... this might save the tasker dev from reinventing the wheel and might save time.

I'll add monospace fonts to your wishlist, and suggest the same rules be applied to JavaScriptlets.