Add an option to easily move the list items

I have a suggestion that when we rearrange any list item, for example some tasks list it can't be dragged and dropped to the desired place easily. If we tap & hold any item and move to some position it doesn't move to the place which we intended to move. This happens to profiles, tasks, actions,.. etc. we have to move everything up and down many times to get them in desired position.

If you add a 'drag & drop' icon, that appears when we start to move an item, it'd be so helpful. If possible, when you get enough time, please update the whole design to the new Material Design 2.0

3 replies


Ideally the UI would give us a visible "grab handle" to move selected items and would automatically shift items in the list as you move the selected item up and down. Youtube has similar behavior when adjusting saved items in their library. I find moving items in Tasker to be the absolute most aggravating feature of the app. 75% of the time I can't even move the selected item. It's highlighted but it won't drag anywhere. 


Absolutely! It is very difficult to move items in task and profile view. Often they arrive in the wrong position or switch back to the  previous position.


I like the idea of seeing a line showing where the items will be placed. 


I totally agree!!

I posted about this recently also: https://tasker.helprace.com/i524-dragging-and-reordering-tasks-scenes-profiles-and-actions-is-buggy-and-also-hard-to-tell-where-it-will-land

Dragging and dropping an item between two other list items SHOULD put it in between those two items.  But half the time, it instead puts it below both of them, or leaves it above both of them.  It's very broken and very frustrating!!