Option for 'IF' and 'FOR' actions to have 'End If' and 'End For' actions attached right below when created.

When I'm creating a task and use an 'IF' or 'FOR' action I always have to immediately go back and create the 'END' action accompanying it because if I don't the rest of my task falls into the IF statement. This is really annoying and it has on several times screwed up my tasks and I don't realize it till I'm already using the task in real use cases.

Many times I have multiple If statements nested inside each other and I loose track. So it would be great to have like a checkbox option to create the 'END' action right below it.

1 reply

I agree that adding an If action between other actions is often visually confusing until the End If is added, but there is an answer...

Add the End If action first, then go back and add an If action above that.

If that initially still seems visually confusing near other If actions, then when you're selecting the End If action, include a temp label in all caps such as NEW END IF.

An End If on its own doesn't affect the appearance / layout / sequence of other actions.