Get location not working
Need gps coordinates via tasker. When I start the task, in status bar appears location icon but when I want see %LOC variable, it's empty.
I have the same problem with this second lg8 phone.
%LOC and %LOCN are just flashing %LOC
1. tasker has location permission.
2. Google maps knows exactly my gps.
.3 High accuracy and net were tried.
4. battery saver is off.
5. other variables are working.
6. tasker has all special access, including phone admin, etc. etc.
Yes. Via AutoLocation app. There's another problem. It only works and gets location when Google location sercices is on. And there's only one way to activate it. Via Google maps. So if I want to get location into tasker,I must turn on Google maps,enable Google location services,go back to AutoLocation and request to take data from Google location services. And it's annoying, complicated etc.