Display issues with multiple custom toasts
Hi João!
The fade-in animation on custom toasts is a real dealbreaker for me at the moment in terms of actually being able to use them. I really wish that new toasts would display instantly rather than fading in slowly over the top of the previous one. This is especially jarring and obvious when displaying different text or background colours in quick succession.
If we could remove the fade-in completely and furthermore make sure only one toast is shown at any one time (either implicitly when creating a new custom toast, or via a separate 'cancel existing custom toasts' action), then custom toasts would become really useful.
At present, they're more of a proof-of concept so instead I find myself having to use increasingly complicated scenes and associated logic to bypass these limitations.
Other really useful features would include an option for text alignment and to preserve whitespace when using HTML5 text tags for formatting.
Many thanks for all your hard work throughout the app!