autonotification action antouchaction not working ?
I've installed KDE Connect on my Pixel 6 and Dell laptop. But they don't seem to automatically connect. I posted a question on the KDE subreddit, and had a couple of responses that KDE Connect it doesn't seem to work as expected. The only way I've been able to get the phone and laptop to connect is my manually tapping the KDE Connect notification.
So, I thought I could use Tasker to simulate tapping the notification. I've done some searches, and from that created the below profile. However, it doesn't seem to work either.
The match on A4 is triggered, and it falls thru A5 thru A13, but the A12 AutoNotification Query still returns 'Not connected to any device' . I'm using the Flash as debugging, wouldn't be part of the final solution.
I have discovered that if I edit the task A8, and go to
AutoNotification Action
Intercept Action ID
%antouchaction ( without the () )
and blank out the %antouchaction and then manually run the task, it works. But if I re-run the task if fails. ( I have to reboot phone to reset the KDE Connect notification to the not connected value ). it will then fail, so if I re-edit the task and set it back to %antouchaction , and manually run the task it will work. So toggling the 'Intercept Action ID' solves the problem. But of course is an impractical solution - to have to change it each time.
I've been running the task manually from within the task task, not waiting for 15 minute time period to expire.
Profile: KDE Connect AutoNotification
Time: From 8:00AM every 15m Till 11:59PM
Enter Task: Anon
A1: [X] Beep [
Frequency: 8000
Duration: 1000
Amplitude: 50
Stream: 3 ]
A2: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 3
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
<KDE Connect must have been paired to the PC at least once>
A3: AutoNotification Query [
Configuration: Persistency Type: Persistent Only
Notification Apps: KDE Connect
Text: Not connected to any device
Get All Fields : true
Timeout (Seconds): 20
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A4: If [ %antext() ~ Not connected to any device ]
A5: Flash [
Text: antext matched
Continue Task Immediately: On
Dismiss On Click: On ]
A6: Flash [
Text: %anapp()
Continue Task Immediately: On
Dismiss On Click: On ]
A7: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 3
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
A8: AutoNotification Actions [
Configuration: Notification Apps: KDE Connect
Intercept Action ID: %antouchaction
Timeout (Seconds): 20
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A9: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 3
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
A10: Flash [
Text: KDE Connect notification pressed
Continue Task Immediately: On
Dismiss On Click: On ]
A11: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 5
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
A12: AutoNotification Query [
Configuration: Persistency Type: Persistent Only
Notification Apps: KDE Connect
Get All Fields : true
Timeout (Seconds): 20
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A13: Flash [
Text: After press ...
Continue Task Immediately: On
Dismiss On Click: On ]