8 replies


Ok, thanks.  In my opinion, it would make things easier, but thanks for considering it...

Btw, I'm a big fan of all you've done...  :)  I now have 9 tasker made apps in the play store...

That's awesome :) Thanks for sharing!


If I use if to check if any of 6 element boxes are red and use "or" the if task will work if any one of the six are red. Example, if rec1 or rec2 or rec3 or rec4 or rec5 or rec6 equal red, then the if statement will execute if any one of the six elements are red. I'm trying to get it to recognize how many are red. If there was an and/or for each above, the if statement would determine how many total of the 6 elements are red.  Am I correct? 

Hhmm, no, it wouldn't make a difference. You would still be just checking a condition (which would be equivalent to just or). to count how many are the color I recommend looping through each element (with a For) and counting that way.


If I understand correctly, or means either, and means both.  I need and/or to instruct the task to act whether it's either or both. 

For example, there are six elements in a row in a scene from a game, I need tasker to check if any of the 6 elements are a certain color.  

But that's the definition of "or". Or checks if any of the elements have a certain condition (color in your example). Am I misunderstanding this?


I've made a game which needs to check if any or all elements in a row or column are the same color.  This could be 6 or 8 rows and columns, causing me to need lots more entries to check,  for example, if any 4 or 5 elements (out of 6, let's say) are red.  An and/or option would make things much easier...  thanks again for responding. 

So you want to check if it's either "and" or "or"? Isn't that the same as simply checking "or" since that is more inclusive than "and"? :)


I don't see the and/or option.  Do i need to update? 

Sorry for the confusion. No, that option is not available.


Not exactly what I mean.  I know we can already add many options within an "if."  However, rather than listing several "and" AND several "or" commands, I was hoping you could add an "and/or" option....  thanks

Can you give me an example of how you would use that? Thanks

You can already add multiple conditions in a single If... Or is that not what you meant?