Unanswered Questions

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    Bluetooth connect last API working?

    M G · 1 · Last reply by M G

    Hi, I was testing Tasker setting APP thinking that the Bluetooth connect will work but it not. So maybe it's a tasker bug? I run the last beta version of all the APP.

    I use "Mode and Routine" on my Samsung phone to disconnect/connect Bluetooth device, but they're a delay that can't be predicted

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    Tasker ask for confirmation to run a task from google assistant

    Emilio Jimenez · 0 · Posted


    Sorry if my English is not good. 

    I'm new to tasker and I created 2 tasks, CrossFit and test.

    If I delete one of the tasks and I ask Google assistant to run the only task that's left, it does it with no issues, but if I have 2 or more tasks and ask Google assistant to run one of them, a pop up appear asking for confirmation of which task to run and an arrow pointing to the one I asked in the first place (see screenshot below)

    It is not that the names are similar, or it

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    Depreciated actions should be more noticeable.

    Xeno · 0 · Posted

    Please make text a different color (maybe yellow?) for actions that are depreciated, similar to how you have some in red if unavailable on that phone. 

    that will make it easier to select their replacement the first time without looking for it. 

    thanks for all your hard work

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    Workaround for SSIDs containing a forward slash?

    Cody · 0 · Posted

    Is there any workaround to make Tasker correctly identify a Wi-Fi SSID containing a forward slash until a bugfix is available? (/)

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    Direct-Purchase AutoApps License Activation Issues on Light Phone II

    TRod · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm using a Light Phone II, which is an feature phone running Android 8.1.0. I have the Direct Purchase version of Tasker activated on it and running fine, but I can't get AutoInput, or any other AutoApps for that matter, to activate so I can use them.

    When I enter any of my 7 unused licenes from the license portal at https://taskernet.com/?licenses, it says "Device Already Bound to a Different License." I have my WiFi activated on it and confirmed working, thinking that maybe it just needed to authenticate things itself, but after multiple reboots it still gives the same error, and

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    Foor Loop Help

    Daniel Polniak · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello, I am trying to make Tasker do, what i believe, is a fairly simple task.

    I am using Tasker in my car. I have an aftermarket headunit that is running Android on it.

    What I would like is, when the headunit turns on, I would like Tasker to wait 2 minutes, then open an app. "Waze" app to be exact. Thats it.

    I was able to make this happen by simply creating a task with the following:

    1. Wait -> 2 minutes

    2. Launch App -> Waze

    However, this proved to be unreliable because the aftermarket headunit does not

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    how to bring an app to the foreground

    Remko van Dokkum · 0 · Posted

    I like to bring a running app to the foreground.

    When I use the Launch app command it starts the app with its start screen.

    Same as you would start the app when it was not running.

    I need the app to stay on the screen it is on and only be brought to the foreground.

    Same as if you would switch to an running app by hand.

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    App Factory 6.2.22 MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE disappeared

    Mauro · 4 · Last reply by Mauro

    Hello after upgrading from 6.1.32 to 6.2.22 the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission has disappeared from the permission list of the app created with AppFactory. The kid App doesn't works anymore in any Android 11-12 testing phone (Oppo Xiaomi Samsung). So I've downgraded from 6.2.22 to 6.1.32 and I've created the same App again with App Factory 6.1.32. The MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is back and the App works again in all the phones. Same tasks, same Android target version, same App name/release, same certificate, same testing phones, same antiviruses, same Android versions. Nothing changed. All exactly the same except for Tasker and App Factory

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    "Turn Off Bluetooth If No Device Connected"

    Alberto · 0 · Posted


    I use the Taskernet profile "Turn Off Bluetooth If No Device Connected" but it only activates once, even if it is a state and not an event. But I (finally) found a way to trigger the BT while driving, and this by creating a profile that activates when notified by an app (Radardroid, tasker plugin) which itself starts by detecting the activity driving. The problem is that once arrived, it continues to activate and therefore turn on the BT (bug in the Radardroid service perhaps). I therefore want to create a profile like that of the Taskernet but which

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    Tasker Deployments Across Multiple Stages-Environments/Devices

    Productivity · 2 · Last reply by Productivity


    I work with several Tasker projects in different stages and across several devices, certainly each device operates within its own environment: development, beta, and production. Additionally, I commit changes to Bitbucket.

    My question is: Is there any integrated way to handle these deployments? Currently, the import process is time-consuming for me.

    Thank you for your assistance! 😊