Direct-Purchase AutoApps License Activation Issues on Light Phone II

I'm using a Light Phone II, which is an feature phone running Android 8.1.0. I have the Direct Purchase version of Tasker activated on it and running fine, but I can't get AutoInput, or any other AutoApps for that matter, to activate so I can use them.

When I enter any of my 7 unused licenes from the license portal at https://taskernet.com/?licenses, it says "Device Already Bound to a Different License." I have my WiFi activated on it and confirmed working, thinking that maybe it just needed to authenticate things itself, but after multiple reboots it still gives the same error, and won't activate automatically.

Maybe I don't fully understand the licensing system and I'm doing it wrong? I would appreciate some help on it! Thanks!

2 replies


Here's some important info, an error that occasionally popped up while trying to activate AutoInput as I described. 

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a feature that was removed from LP2's OS - it runs Android 8.1.0, but it's modified and stripped of features that weren't necessary for it.

Hi! Thanks for the report. Do you mean that you also downloaded the direct-purchase versions of the plugins and you tried using the licenses in the direct-purchase versions of the apps?


Hi, yes exactly. I downloaded the AutoInput apk from here: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/direct_purchase_download_autoapps.html

And tried to activate it with an unused license code from here: https://taskernet.com/?licenses

Thanks for your reply, sorry for my delay!

Ok, I tried changing something. Could you please try with this version of AutoNotification for example?


Thanks in advance!


Sorry, I noticed I accidentally submitted this under 'Questions' instead of 'Problems'.