Top Topics

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    AutoInput accessibility caused droping frames during each swipe

    Jackal Zhao · 0 · Posted

    If I open AutoInput accessibility, the system would become unresponsive, more specifically, it drop frames when I swipe. (I'm nor sure if I used the proper words) 


    I did some research, found something on an article 


    The article mentioned that the existence of AccessibilityInputFilter blocked the InputDIspatcher thread being awake. So the input event was put into next Vsync, which means the InputDispatcher won't follow the pace of InputReader, but the pace of Vsync. 


    There is a super snappy app called FooView, and some people says the Advanced function in accessibility would cause dropping frames. So normally people only open the Basic function in

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    Use root in Google Drive actions

    Hello, please add root option in Google drive actions, like Copy dir action, this help me a lot.


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    AutoInput Beta - Stop Video Capture Has No Effect

    Robert L Ryan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    There is an annoying bug in the current beta version of AutoInput. The Stop Video action does not have any effect.

    I first reported this on reddit, but neglected to post it here.

    Everything works correctly in the stable version.

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    Implement SIMSTATUS for the second SIM too

    Gian Matteo Esposito · 0 · Posted

    it has been always unavailable, but it would be very useful at boot/reboot to intercept that you have to insert the pin

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    Simple BT disconect notify sound not present

    adam P · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi, I need some advise since at the end of task the sound is not present.

    This is my configuration which I transferred from my defective phone and It was working before but not on this new one.

    1.Bluetooth Set off if %PACTIVE!~*,BTTest,*

    2.Say  text BT disconnected  Engine:Voice (stream -media) Pitch 4 speed 4 respect audio F

    3.Wait 3sec

    4. Notify Sound  Title BT Disconnected sound file .ogg  -- is pointed to directory of the file correctly.

    Still no voice and my other Tasks as well do not hear the sound comming out.The volumes are set to max.All tests are

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    Allow us to copy unreferenced variables into specific projects

    thomas · 1 · Last reply by Richard Kemp

    Sometimes I have variables that for whatever reason might not be referenced anywhere AS FAR AS TASKER KNOWS.

    It is possible their references are formed programmatically, for example, and still being used in a project.

    Without the explicit reference, Tasker places the variable into the home folder.  It can't be placed into the folders where it's being programmatically summoned.

    I understand that I COULD create inane tasks in that project that reference these variables in the project they're used, but that adds task clutter to my increasingly bloated task list.  It would be cleaner to just be able to add

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    On which old versions of android does "take call" work?

    selevo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I want to get an old phone that would work to "take  call"

    Help me plase.

    I do not plan to spend money on a phone with Android 8, нow kindly suggested to me the author of the program, while closing my previous topic.

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    On which old versions of android does "take call" work?

    selevo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I want to get an old phone that would work to "take  call"

    Help me plase.

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    SQL Query selection parameters not working with more then 1 parameter

    Falco · 0 · Posted

    I found out the sql query selection paramters need a real array and not just a list of values. But there is still a problem with this funktion: you can't use more then 1 parameter.

    Here an example

    Array Set %sqlparameters Values:  1 2

    SQL Query

    query: SELECT (? + ?) FROM table LIMIT 1

    selection parameters: %sqlparameters

    result: null

    SQL Query

    query: SELECT (? + 2) FROM table LIMIT 1

    selection parameters: %sqlparameters

    result: 3

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    Not start a conversation not lifting the tube not to pick up the phone not take call

    selevo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    How to solve a problem ?

     Once upon a time it worked, now on older versions it does not work, lifting the tube does not occur. New versions show a message that i need android 8 I don't have android 8

    Is this the evil of a conspiracy of corporations?

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    Interface for raspberry

    Abel Castillo Landeros · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Interface for raspberry, domotica direct from tasker

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    Can't customize Google Hotword in Android 9

    David Ravashiere · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Trying to use Tasker to change the hotword in Android 9 Pie.  I followed the only instructions I could find online ( but am running in to some issues. Here's what happens: 1.    I get to the point where I am speaking my new hotword in the "Speak Filter". 2.    After speaking my new hotword a window opens asking me to "Choose Voice Command" from a list (which includes variations of the command I just spoke). 3.    Once I choose (confirm) my voice command the "Choose Voice Command" window closes, and "The Hard Way" page comes back up. 4.   

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    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    Marcos Felicio · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    This message appears all the time:

    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    What should I do?

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    For "actions' conditioners" that use the same variables or references, show what those actions' conditioners are inside task view for every actions' conditioner that is connected to the same variable or other same non-variable condition

    anonymized · 0 · Posted

    By "Actions' Conditioners" I mean If/Then/Else, AND/OR, etc.

    And for those who have smaller screen maybe could be set from preferences this to be thru tapping or sliding in some particular way, and so in task view the actions' conditioners indicates with a number, as to how many connections it has (same conditioners elsewhere, relating to same variables, or both), and so if it has more than 0, when tapping or sliding on it in some particular way, then could see overlay pop-up of all the actions' conditioners that sharing the same variables or other non-variable conditioners, and perhaps with

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    (tasker 5.7.1 & 5.7.2) %err is not set by failing ping action

    shellwalker · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I cannot update to 5.7.1 or 5.7.2 because if I do,  an important task of mine no longer works.

    I use the ping action (retries=2), configured to continue task after error occurs (e.g. if target hist is unreachable)

    However in the case that the host is unreachable %err is not set. Therefore the following conditional execution which checks %err is wrong.

    This used to work in earlier versions of tasker e.g 5.6.

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    Allow Music Play to start from times that aren't just integer seconds. Right now it only lets you start from discrete one-second intervals.

    thomas · 0 · Posted

    I'm working on a scene where I'm going to need to be able to play a sound file from specific starting points, and being able to start from a particular time in the audio file is great, but currently it only lets me start at 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and so on.  And I'm unable to start it at 1.5 seconds for example.

    I really need that increased level of precision for the project I'm working on.  I don't see why it should be limited to one-second intervals.  Please let us specify down to the millisecond!

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    autoremote 4g to w10, w10 firewall?

    Henry M · 1 · Last reply by anonymized

    won't go thru...

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    Bruno Davi · 0 · Posted

    Action to write a layout.xml code that returns the id to be used for Java objects such as creating notifications, toasts, or custom activities.

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    Run sl4a add in app factory

    Bruno Davi · 0 · Posted

    Please add action Run SL4A in app This would make Tasker one of the most desired apps, imagine how much people would want to generate an app in Python, Lua and etc without having a computer

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    For Autoremote I don't see a way to add Google Drive Permission

    Giant Horse · 1 · Last reply by Giant Horse

    I cannot send file or backup, says Can't: NeedPermission

    I haven't tried reinstalling app but I cannot backup so I don't want to lose setup. How do I add permission for Autoremote to access new Google Drive account?