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    Local Variable Passthrough & Child Variable Inheritance

    Robin Tinsley · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm not seeing expected behaviour in 5.9.3 using Local Variable Passthrough and the Child Inheritance.

    As an example;

    So the value of %localvar is established in ParentTSK, then shared with SCENE1 when ParentTSK calls it, then shared with ChildTSK when SCENE1 calls it, and updated in SCENE1 via the Local Variable Passthrough.

    In practice, the process does not run as expected:

    As you can see, once the ChildTSK ends, even though it’s told to update the local variables in the parent task, the value of %localvar returns to its previous state.

    This is not expected behaviour, %localvar from ChildTSK should

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    Tasker deleted my recent configuration changes when I pressed on back up

    siegmund freud · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I clicked on backup on google drive and my configuration was actually gone instead of being saved, I did not press the wrong button, it asked me where to save my backup, I didn't choose anything for the local storage, pressed "back" and then pressed "ok" when the prompt to save it on google drive came and I chose the exact drive folder. Couldnt restore it from the backup Maybe it had to do with the following bug: when I use the autoinput app and go on the button "use via tasker" then it loads up a different tasker configuration

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    Tasker Notification Unreliable

    Tyler McBride · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I created a notification event that will play a song extremely loud so to wake myself up during the night if a certain notification was intercepted from a different app. The problem is that the profile does not always trigger even though a notification appears on the other app. Checking the log also shows that the event was not triggered. Attached are how I've created the profile and task.

    If anyone can determine the issue just from my post please let me know else I will provide more information about my device settings, even though I've checked to make sure

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    Tasker blocked by Instacart Shopper App!

    Robert Kane · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I've been working on a utility for the Instacart Shopper App (the one that the individuals who do the shopping for the customers use).  To be clear, this is not a "bot" designed to grab batches.  It is meant to download the user's info such as earnings.

    This week Instacart made a change to the app that is deliberately preventing Tasker from functioning!  It's seems to impact the Autoinput Action to "click" on items in the menu (all Actions and Field Types aren't working).  Tasker can still click on other screen areas, but nothing associated with the menu (see attachments).

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    No error messages with profile disabled

    Nirnic · 0 · Posted

    Hi! Could it be possible to only get error messages when the profile which generated it is enabled? Use case: I'm using an app plugin to create a profile, I uninstalled that app and disable that profile, and get error messages because Tasker doesn't find the plugin. The only way to make those messages disappear is deleting the respective profile, but I would like to keep it to enable it if I reinstall the app needed in future, so I don't have to create it again from scratch. It would be nice.

    Thank you!

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    Send SMS option Store In Messaging App is unchecked, but the SMS still shows up in messaging app

    bucky · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a basic profile for replying location:

    Look at received texts

    -> Get Location v2 (Enable location if needed)

    -> Send SMS (send to %smsrf; message is map url; Store in messaging app is unchecked)

    The sent sms still shows up in the default messages app (Google Messages).  Does the same thing on a Pixel and Pixel 3.

    Are there any suggestions as to how to stop the sent message from showing up in the messaging app?


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    Seems to have issues distinquisting between similar phone numbers

    Marketing · 0 · Posted

    We need to call number 2*1500 to sign in to our phone network, and 2**1500 to sign out.

    Very similar numbers, as you can see.

    Tasker seems to be a bit confused about this. Trying to add two tasks - one when calling 2*1500 and another when calling 2**1500

    The solution was to have contacts with these numbers (that we had already) and then in Tasker use the name of the contact instead of the number.

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    http requests gives errors if starting with capital H (Http)

    Marketing · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm calling a bunch of URLs with HTTP Request on various events. Noticed that these don't work if the url starts with a capital Http - it must be lowercase http.

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    Launching Kid App via URL shortcut (KidAppName://)

    Svetcom svetcom · 0 · Posted

    As I requested in the google groups, adding the request to launch kid app via URL shortcuts (KidAppName://) From G Group: "Hello, I have external app that I can program to launch android app. For example, it launches "Tidal" app by sending "tidal://". Any idea how can I make this possible for App Factory Child App?"

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    display on working in one task but not another

    Dale Smith · 0 · Posted

    I have a speaking clock profile that announces the time on the half hour. The first action is a display on or I should say Turn on with default block time 500ms. I have another profile mute media volume using the Samsung bixby button. Again the first action is Turn on but it doesn't turn on. Could it be the secondary app context or the app I'm muting or something else?

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    Licence disabled

    Jorge Díaz Bes · 0 · Posted


    I bought a Google Suite account to replace my former Gmail account, but apparently this disabled my Tasker licence. 

    ¿Could you please transfer my licence from my Gmail to my Google Suite account?

    Many thanks, regards


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    Exported APK application NFC Tag problem

    oddaljen · 0 · Posted

    Hello. I think Ifound a bug. When Profiles first action is NFC-tag and if NFC ID is not defined then in native Tasker it works fine, but if you Export to APK application, then this application says No Active Profiles. If you write NFC ID in NFC-tag action, then APK application works fine.

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    Turn On display not working on Android 10.

    Phil Freeman · 0 · Posted

    Device is Oneplus 8 Pro on Android 10. The Display -> Turn On task does not work. I've tried increasing the "block" value but no change in behaviour. Thanks.

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    Display Time Profile Became Active

    Lucas Abido Figueiro · 0 · Posted

    Hi João,

    Sometimes the log is too short for me. I have a ton of profiles and some loops, etc. 

    Would be great to have an easy way to see the last time a profile was activated and also since when the ones currently active have been active.

    I believe Tasker already record that as we have cool down for profiles.

    In the screenshot you can check my suggestion. It is to place a time indicator in the profile list itself. 

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    Text Input scene element gets altered when tappin on 'Background' tab

    SmartPhoneLover · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I would like to report something related to the Text Input element from scenes.

    When you just create it (and show it) a bottom line that tells the user that this is a text input type field gets appeared everytime the scene is shown (created), but when you visit/tap the Background tab it gets dissapeared permanently. You need to delete and create the element again, and avoid entering to this tab again.

    I can create something like a little frame using the Rectangle element, and also it would end cleaner, maybe... But I just wanted to report it because I

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    Text Dialog action missing on Android 6

    Steve Waring · 3 · Last reply by Steve Waring

    I tried to import a project to an old phone and it failed. After a bit of investigation I found that the List Dialog and Text Dialog are not shown in the Input action group. That is, unlike other settings, they don't show red with a message telling you what version of android is needed. Also, I don't think they should be missing, as the dialog used by Text Dialog is available on Android 6.

    This is with the latest version of Tasker.

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    Prevent screen to become on when showing Dialog/Activity scenes

    SmartPhoneLover · 0 · Posted

    Hi Joao, I have a question regarding to the scenes. When an Overlay scene is created when the screen is off, the screen remains off. But when a Dialog or Activtity scene is created, the screen automatically becomes on. Can this behaviour be changed on future releases, so the screen doesn't turn on? Or is it a Tasker/Android limitation that cannot be "fixed"? We already have the Turn On action to manually turn it on. Thank you ;) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Source (Reddit): Go!

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    Has %INTERRUPT changed its format?

    Gary Lane · 2 · Last reply by Gary Lane

    I ahd a profile which looked at the state of %INTERRUPT before changing it so that it could be restored later.  It stopped working recently (not sure when).  However where %interrupt used to one of the values:

    1. all
    2. alarms
    3. none
    4. priority

    It appears now to return a numeric value?  Any idea what these are, when and how the change happened and whether we can rely on the new values in profiles or tasks?

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    I have to install taker on a device which has android 4.2.2. Can you give me an authorize code?

    Jerry K. Wang · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I've bought taker before. Now I want to install it on my car which has android 4.2.2 in it. I download older version of taker and installed it already. But it asked for authorize code. Can you give me one or I have to buy it again?

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    "Limit passthrough to" array syntax

    Scott Raffensparger · 0 · Posted

    I have not been able to get the right syntax to passthrough arrays using "Limit passthrough to". When "Limit passthrough to" is blank the arrays passthrough works as expected.

    Have the option "Limit passthrough" in the "Variable Set" and "Array Set" actions.