New Topics

  • 38

    improved debugging

    Lynda Howell · 3 · Last reply by Jim Becker

    I'd like to see improved debugging options.  Like many people, I use Flash actions to check on progress of a complex task.  But those extra Flash actions have to be manually turned off or deleted or they clutter up the screen when the task is actually running.  And then they have to be recreated or turned back on when I need to tweak or troubleshoot the task. 

    I'd love to see another Alert type (or an option on the Flash action) that displays only in debug mode, and then an option at the task/profile level to turn debugging mode on/off

  • 11

    improved error handling and reporting

    Lynda Howell · 2 · Last reply by adomm420

    I'd like to see more informative error messages, including %errmsg set on every error, the values for %err defined in each action's documentation, and something more than Err displayed in the RunLog.  I think the message displayed in the editor when a plugin has an error could also be made more useful, as could the warnings shown on startup.

    I'd also like to see more error handling, so the steps of saving, examining, and clearing each error don't have to be recreated for each potentially failing action.  

  • 1

    SMS out capture or Join file capture

    Rich Carpenter · 0 · Posted

    At my last check neither of these features was possible but I would like to see

    1. Allowing Tasker to monitor outgoing sms messages (and assigning a var)


    2. Allow Tasker to capture the Join files that are used in it's use (sms=:=, lastsms=:=, contacts=:=, pushes=:=, etc.) to create profiles with them as a trigger.

    I would rather have #2 but.....


  • 3

    Native dialog

    Simone Sanci · 0 · Posted

    You could add the dialogs of autotools or uitask, natives of tasker. I think it's too hard to edit a scene.

  • 21

    Change of plugin protocol

    John Doe · 0 · Posted

    Current plugin protocol is no more updated to the new Android policy, intent based communication has several cons. A service binding using AIDL should be much better. The interface should:

    1) Provides info to plugins when there is at least one active profile involving the plugin to allow it to setup a service if needed;

    2) Provides info to plugins when there is no more an active profile involving the plugin to allow it to shutdown a service if needed;

    3) Allow the plugin to stay alive using a bound service without being killed by the system;

    4) Allow always

  • 101

    Scene layouts

    John Doe · 8 · Last reply by Tom Bruno

    Creating a scene for several device is just a pain, the activity layout should scale according the screen size of target device, it shouldn't use any absolute layout or fixed aspect ratio.

  • 20

    Give the Runlog action the option to only effect the current Task

    Jim Becker · 2 · Last reply by P C

    Please allow separate Tasks to turn logging on and off for that particular Task. This setting should also carry over to all tasks called by the Perform Task action.

    Another idea would be an option to turn off logging in the Perform Task action.

  • 11

    In Built Json Key value store with Variable value context trigger

    Sriram SV · 1 · Last reply by Von

    Tasker should have its own "No-SQL" like database to store and retrieve complex data rather than  just variables. 

    This will also allow variable backup and any data can be queried remotely without having to setup a profile for each of the stuff

  • 78

    Allow exporting Task/Project as app with additional files

    Mishaal Rahman · 3 · Last reply by GlitchYou

    Being able to create apps within Tasker is probably its neatest feature, but there's one rather annoying caveat: there's no option to export with additional files!

    You have to use convoluted workarounds such as this: Reddit

    There's also an app that helps you do it but it has file size limitations. Play Store

  • Welcome to our new user portal!

    João Dias · 0 · Posted
    Welcome to our brand-new user portal! Here, you can submit private requests directly to our help desk, ask a question or share your ideas in our community. You can report problems or give praise, too!
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    João Dias · 0 · Posted
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