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    Export description to variable

    Robert L Ryan · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I currently send all exported descriptions to a text editor via the clipboard. This helps with debugging and allows me to give them a final review before posting.

    The issue is that this overwrites the current value of the clipboard. 

    Could we add a way to export to a variable?

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    AppFactory Older Releases Official download

    GeoVan · 0 · Posted

    In the past there was an official older releases of the AppFactory at:

    But, now this is not available, can you please give us the OFFICIAL download link of older releases of the AppFactory?

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    Airplane mode trial over

    Leo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Not sure what's changed but any time I put my phone in airplane mode now I eventually get the following error stating 'Trial Over'. Once I'm back into service it seems to be normal. 

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    AutoInput error 1313911465 timeout

    Hello, I believe I've encountered a bug in either Tasker or AutoInput.

    If the AutoInput UI Query action times out and Continue Task After Error is ticked, each subsequent AutoInput action will timeout after either 4000ms or 5000ms with Error 1313911465 Action timed out, even if the subsequent action has a higher timeout or no timeout at all.

    This bug can easily be reproduced with two actions: 

    The action timeout values are arbitrary, and the bug still occurs with a wait between the actions. This bug occurs not only with UI Query but also Action and Gesture but not Actions

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    Bring back permanent notifications 🗣️📢

    Don Huan · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Another day, another feature taken away by Google (seriously, what have they been up to lately?).

    As you're all well aware by now, Android 14 made "permanent" notifications dismissible now, breaking many apps along the way – including our dear Tasker, most notably. I've been missing the old notification's functionality ever since the update but apparently there's a rather easy fix for this,  at least in theory.

    We can somewhat bring back most of the old functionality back by automatically showing any permanent Tasker notifications as soon as they're dismissed. This is probably easier said than done as every Tasker

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    Storage Access Framework SAF for Tasker

    schklom · 2 · Last reply by José María Riego

    I would like to be able to access my Work Profile storage.

    It is available with Shelter via a location defined via SAF. The default Files app lets me access Shelter's Work Profile files.

    I am not sure how to access it through Tasker. Is it possible?

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    Adding the most recent episode of a podcast to a Spotify playlist on AutoSpotify

    Hunter Armstrong · 0 · Posted

    I want to be able to add the most recent episode of a podcast that I like to a Spotify playlist just like how you add tracks. I mainly thought of this idea after listening to the Daily Drive playlist on Spotify and hating the news sources that they would use.

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    "Set Variable Structure Type" is always shown when editing CSV-variables

    Cesar Bernard · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    The popup with title "Set Variable Structure Type" and content "This variable seems to contain valid CSV..." is always shown, when editing CSV-variables. This is disruptive when editing the variables. Please add a STOP REMINDING button to this message, as other info popups already have

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    font size of a slider value is unreadable

    hasifantasy · 0 · Posted

    Hello, the font size of a slider value in a tasker scene is so small that I need to use my glasses (+1.5) on every eye to adjust the slider value. How can the fontsize of the slider value can be made bigger & readable?

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    Add support for use of Selection Parameters in commands such as INSERT and UPDATE

    StaffanT · 0 · Posted

    For example:

    INSERT INTO X (A,B,C) VALUES(?,?,?);

    %a, %b, %c

    instead of:

    Change ' to '' where needed in input vars

    INSERT INTO X (A,B,C) VALUES('%a', '%b', '%c');

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    State "Variable Value" bugged, when used with multipled states and Variable Clear Action using pattern matching.

    Creeper · 0 · Posted

    I have made a little project showcasing the bug.

    Test Project

    The state "Variable Value" still lights up green when I clear the variable and applies as true the next time I run the task when it should be false without any value. The problem also seems to be related to pattern matching while clearing multiple variables in one Variable Clear Action e.g. %TestVar/%TestVar1

    Another user has confirmed the same bug on different android device.

    Steps to reproduce:

    After importing, plug in the charger and run the task 1. ON and you will see the state light up green.


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    Inquiry: Finding Package Names for Dual Messenger Apps on Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra for Tasker Integration

    Steven Garcia · 0 · Posted

    Hello Tasker Community,I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because I am currently using Tasker on my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, and I am interested in integrating it with the Dual Messenger feature for certain apps like Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram.Specifically, I am looking to find the package names for the secondary instances of these apps, as I would like to be able to launch them using Tasker's capabilities. Despite exploring various settings and options within Tasker and on my device, I have not been successful in locating this information. Could anyone in the community

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    profiles time based not working

    Joe · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    My profiles stopped working; no idea when.  Thoughts?

    Android 14

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    Ask permission when required

    JasonYate · 1 · Last reply by JasonYate

    Actions that do not have a permission should request it before executing or at least have the option to enable or disable the request and not just show an error in notifications.

    Thanks 👍 

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    Ability to perform unnamed tasks

    JasonYate · 0 · Posted

    Each element of a scene can be configured independent tasks according to the user's interaction with that element but that cannot be executed outside of that interface, exporting the scene I find that each action of those elements has a unique id (task####), so I wondered if this would be possible to add in some update, it is practical and necessary.

    Thank you!

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    Tasker REST Requests fail when Microsoft Defender Privacy Protection is turned on (FAQ Update req'd.)

    Jeff T. · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Environment:  Android 14

    Problem:  Not directly an issue with Tasker.  If Microsoft Defender (the "MSDefender" app in the app drawer) has Privacy Protection enabled, this will cause failures of any REST Request calls with an Error 1 Wait failure.  It may appear that something is wrong with your statement, but the request is being blocked externally from Tasker.  A little obscure but readily addressed.

    Workaround:   Either disable Privacy Protection or follow these steps to exclude Tasker from being blocked:

    1. Open the MSDefender app
    2. In the Privacy Protection tile, select the arrow ">" in the lower right corner
    3. Towards the bottom
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    V otevřené aplikaci Tasker nelze v menu otevřít pomoc: gesta a ani uživatelská příručka. Oba dva výše zmíněné odkazy doprovází stejné chybové hlášení.

    Jaromír Hlůžek · 0 · Posted

    V otevřené aplikaci Tasker nelze v menu otevřít pomoc: gesta a ani uživatelská příručka. Oba dva výše zmíněné odkazy doprovází stejné chybové hlášení. Taktéž nelze otevřít v menu UI stáhnout jazyk češtinu a následně ho i použít . Jazyk se sice stáhne ale následně to hlásí chybové hlášení, soubor je poškozen. Zkoušel jsem stažený soubor jsem rozbalit jak v programu WinRAR tak v programu ZArchiv. Bohužel bezúspěšně v obou případech hlásí poškozený soubor z toho důvodu nelze rozbalit . V příloze zasílám screenshoty všech výše zmíněných problémů . Ještě dodám, ale tím si nejsem úplně jist, mám zaplacenou za verzi,

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    Join extensión to Trigger other browser extensions

    Jorge · 0 · Posted


    Besides join ability to send a URL to another de ices browser, what about triggering  an extensión on that browser (like a web Clipper?).

    That would be awesome

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    Scene menu element position by index

    StaffanT · 0 · Posted

    It would be nice to be able to position/scroll a menu element at/to a certain point based on the row index. Thanks in advance ☺️