App Factory 6.2.22 MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE disappeared

Hello after upgrading from 6.1.32 to 6.2.22 the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission has disappeared from the permission list of the app created with AppFactory. The kid App doesn't works anymore in any Android 11-12 testing phone (Oppo Xiaomi Samsung). So I've downgraded from 6.2.22 to 6.1.32 and I've created the same App again with App Factory 6.1.32. The MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is back and the App works again in all the phones. Same tasks, same Android target version, same App name/release, same certificate, same testing phones, same antiviruses, same Android versions. Nothing changed. All exactly the same except for Tasker and App Factory releases (upgraded from 6.1.32 to 6.2.22 then back to 6.1.32). Is there a fix for that? Thanks so much. Mauro.

4 replies

Hi! Can you please export a minimal example of that as an URI (not a link, but a direct URI) and paste it here so I can then import it and test it myself?

Thanks in advance!


Hello, a simple test run on Android 12 Xiaomi Note 9 MIUI 13.0.3.

Task (URI) on Tasker 6.2.22:


Task (XML) on Tasker 6.2.22:

<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="6.2.22">
        <Task sr="task2">
                <Kid sr="Kid">
                <Action sr="act0" ve="7">
                        <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">Ringtones/test.txt</Str>
                        <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">Test</Str>
                        <Int sr="arg2" val="1"/>
                        <Int sr="arg3" val="1"/>
                <Img sr="icn" ve="2">

While creating the kid app for the task above with Tasker 6.2.22, MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is shown. Seems to be all OK. But the kid app generated and installed don't have MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in its permission list (ref. "File e contenuti multimediali") and can't works.

Tasker Test6.2.22.jpg


Nothing in the permission list of the Kid App generated with Tasker 6.2.22. Also the special menù "all files access" of Xiaomi do not allow this permission for the kid app.


But everything changes if I roll back to Tasker 6.1.32. Same task, same phone, same certicate, same min/target Android version. Everything the same as it was few minutes before. The only changes are Tasker and App Factory (rolled back 6.2.22 > 6.1.32).

Tasker Test6.1.32.jpg


With Tasker and App Factory 6.1.32 the kid app is OK.

It seems to be a Tasker version issue or something related to? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Hi. The permission in question doesn't appear on that screen. It appears under Android Settings > Apps > Special App Access > All Files Access.

Can you please check there?


Please consider that I also tried to manually add READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to the permission lists of Tasker 6.2.22. But nothing changes.


Hello, the special permission 'All File Access' is ticked for the kid app. But when the kid app try to write the file, the missing permission warning appears anyway. The kid app created with Tasker 6.2.22 seems to ignore that 'All File Access' is ticked and looks for the old permission 'File e contenuti multimediali' (not listed in the App settings so impossible to grant).
