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    Pick photos action returns with uri that isn't useable when using send intent

    Moshe Siani · 0 · Posted

    In short, using Pick Photo action returns with the images URI path but when trying to use it in send intent for example it fails. To fix that you need to get the full path using SQL Query like here:

    The example is shown below the title: "Pick Photos/Media dialog".

    Can you maybe have another variable/array inside the Pick Photos action that will hold the full path.  

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    Enhanced JSON Reading to better handle arrays

    alg · 0 · Posted

    Idea: Make JSONPath syntax available in tasker.

    Currently JSON query syntax in tasker does not support the JSONPath standard (currently in proposed status) as described in and

    In particular arrays are awkward to deal with, especially for more complicated structures (arrays in objects in arrays... etc.)

    It's possible to work around this at the expense of additional tasker actions, or by using Javascript(Let) but it would be preferable if the standard was provided for.

    Some examples which don't work well are: %my_var(N)            Nth element of unnamed array. Have to use the rather ugly

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    Urgent Enhancements and Suggestions for Tasker / Javascript joaomgcd

    s · 0 · Posted

    Hello Tasker Community,

    1. Synchronous "Perform Task" Option: It would be beneficial to have a synchronous version of the "Perform Task" action in JavaScript. This would be particularly useful when we need to wait for a task to complete before proceeding.

    2. Plugin Compatibility in JavaScript: Exploring ways to improve plugin compatibility with JavaScript actions, such as AutoInput plugins, could open up new possibilities for automation.

    3. Update JavaScript Library: Updating the JavaScript library to include all native actions would help streamline JavaScript usage within Tasker.

    4. Logging JavaScript Console Output: A feature to log JavaScript console output to a file would be handy

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    Request javascript function

    noobOne · 1 · Last reply by MrVulnerable

    Hi this is a request for addition of a built-in javascript function for setting display brightness (eg displayBrightness(int level, bool disable safeguard, bool ignore current level). As it is now, HTML sliders created in tasker webview element must call performTask() to change brightness level, causing laggy behavior on slider value change. Thanks! 

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    Misc JavaScript improvements

    Richard Kemp · 0 · Posted
    • Currently "perform task" from JavaScript is asynchronous only and task results are unavailable. It would be good to the option of having a synchronous version which returns results as an additional option. Sure, it's not included now for a reason. But it would be good to have the option even if it would just fail when you e.g. run a task with another JavaScript action in it.
    • Currently plugins are not usable. I can see this being basically impossible to address from within JS directly, so perhaps the first point is the best solution here.
    • Update JS library to include
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    Take call in Nougat

    Ian Grody · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Sadly not a root free method, but rooted users can take a call in Nougat by using input keyevent 5 - Could this please be added as a Take Call action if root is available please? Thanks.