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    can tasker detect whether the phone's microphone is activated?

    Vic · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    i want tasker to do something when state function detects that the microphone is activated, can this be done?

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    Profile with event Tick does not trigger when exported as app

    App version 6.4.15, OnePlus 12 (however exported app was tested on multiple devices).

    Steps to reproduce.

    1. Create a new project
    2. Create a new profile, select event "Tick"
    3. Set for example 10000 ms as interval.
    4. Set it to trigger a new Task, e.g. "ShowFlash".
    5. Insert action "Flash" with a Text of e.g. "10 seconds".
    6. Export the project as app.
    7. Install the app.

    Expected result: When app is run, every 10 seconds a flash is displayed.

    Current result: Nothing happens.

    It works fine with the profile enabled within Tasker.

    Has been tested with various other tasks such as retrieving location, posting an

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    tasker terms and conditions not displaying

    random · 0 · Posted

    In the introduction to Tasker, there's a screen with a bunch of check boxes, one of which is to accept the terms and conditions. However, when that box is clicked, the terms and conditions do not appear. Instead, I get this error message:

    "Couldn't get text. Please contact developer. (ja/disclaimer.html)"

    I bought Tasker from the Japanese app store.

    I tried with my system language in both English and Japanese (by the way, the Japanese language coverage is very inconsistent even on this first page, but that's something I expect and not a huge problem as long as the text in

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    I would like to start my media player and also the "Floating Lyrics"

    An3as · 4 · Last reply by An3as

    I would like to start my media player and also the "Floating Lyrics" of the Musixmatch app automatically as soon as the connection to ANdroid-Auto is established. Player and Musixmatch start without any problems with their interfaces. But I want the floating lyrics window to start immediately above the player and put the Musixmatch app (not floating lyrics) in the background.

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    Under Review

    Change folder for Tasker-Backup in Google Drive

    Cesar Bernard · 13 · Last reply by vbs

    It would be beneficial if wen could move the Tasker-Backup anywhere in Google Drive. At the moment it's on the start folder of "My Drive" and it can't be moved. Else a new Tasker-Backup-Folder will be created.

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    Enhanced JSON Reading to better handle arrays

    alg · 0 · Posted

    Idea: Make JSONPath syntax available in tasker.

    Currently JSON query syntax in tasker does not support the JSONPath standard (currently in proposed status) as described in and

    In particular arrays are awkward to deal with, especially for more complicated structures (arrays in objects in arrays... etc.)

    It's possible to work around this at the expense of additional tasker actions, or by using Javascript(Let) but it would be preferable if the standard was provided for.

    Some examples which don't work well are: %my_var(N)            Nth element of unnamed array. Have to use the rather ugly

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    Search Box for Local Icons in ".icn" Folder

    Elias Cabrera · 1 · Last reply by JasonYate

    Could a filter/search box please be added to this screen when selecting an icon that was added to the ".icn" Tasker folder? Thanks!

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